Having difficulty logging into Gitlab (- All accounts created since January 2016 use the authentication from, this means that you first need to make sure that your password works on that site. If you need to change your password, you can change it there (with the request new password form).
- Make sure that your username does not have a space or other special characters.
- Usernames are case sensitive (ex: "JohnDoe" is not the same as "johndoe").
- You cannot use your email as your username (because of Drupal restrictions on special characters).
- Do not use the 'Standard' tab on the Gitlab login page. The "Forgot your password" on that block will not work either.
If the problem persists, please contact 'bgm' on the chat: (the chat does not use accounts, you will have to create a new account on that site).
Renaming a Gitlab account
- First rename the account on
- Then ask a Gitlab admin (ex: bgm) to update the "identifies" link to your Gitlab account
Once that is done, you can login to Gitlab again. If Mattermost SSO is used, it will also follow.