Stripe Payment Processor for CiviCRM.
Integrates the Stripe payment processor into CiviCRM so you can use it to handle payments on your site.
View/Download this extension in the Extension Directory.
- Credit/Debit Card payments using Stripe.js for simple PCI compliance.
- Credit/Debit Card, SEPA (EUR), ACH (USD), UK Direct Debit (GBP), Google/Microsoft/Apple Pay using Stripe Checkout.
- Cancellation of subscriptions from Stripe / CiviCRM.
- Refund of payments from Stripe.
There are a number of planned features that depend on funding/resources. See Roadmap.
Compatibility / Requirements
- Jquery 1.10+ (Use jquery_update module on Drupal 7).
- Drupal 7, Drupal 9/10, WordPress (latest supported release).
- Stripe API version: 2023-08-16.
- Drupal webform_civicrm 7.x-5.5+ (if using webform integration) - see Integration for more details.
Required extensions
Recommended extensions
- Firewall extension.
- contributiontransactlegacy extension if using drupal 7 webform.
Please ensure that you are running the "Stripe: Cleanup" scheduled job every hour or you will have issues with failed/uncaptured payments appearing on customer credit cards and blocking their balance for up to a week!
Under Administer->CiviContribute->Stripe Settings you can find a setting:
- Enable Stripe Javascript debugging?
This can be switched on to output debug info to the browser console and can be used to debug problems with submitting your payments.
Support and Maintenance
This extension is supported and maintained with the help and support of the CiviCRM community by:
We offer paid support and development as well as a troubleshooting/investigation service.