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Drupal Webform + Webform_civicrm

The Stripe extension works with Drupal Webform + Webform_civicrm.


!!! note "Drupal 7" You must enable the contributiontransactlegacy CiviCRM extension which replaces the Contribution.transact API with a working one. In the future we hope that webform_civicrm switches to a supported API.

Minimum version: 7.x-5.5 or 8.x-5.0

Known issues

Test Mode will not work for drupal webform if there are multiple payment processors configured on the webform.

Recurring Payments

For recurring payments make sure that:

  1. You have either "Number of installments" or "Interval of installments" element on the same "page" as the payment.
  2. The elements are either visible or hidden (hidden element) - do NOT select hidden (secure value) as it won't work.

Custom integrations

These notes cover how to create Stripe payments and subscriptions without using CiviCRM's Contribution pages.

Create a new recurring contribution / subscription.

In your front end, collect the card details using Stripe Elements, and using Stripe's JS APIs get a paymentMethodID.

In the back end:

Create a pending ContributionRecur and a pending Order (Contribution).


$contributionRecurID = civicrm_api3('ContributionRecur', 'create', [
  'amount'                 => 1.00,
  'contact_id'             => 12345,
  'contribution_status_id' => "Pending",
  'currency'               => 'GBP',
  'financial_type_id'      => 1,
  'frequency_interval'     => 1,
  'frequency_unit'         => "month",
  'is_test'                => 1,
  'payment_processor_id'   => $stripeTestPayProcessorID,

$orderCreateParams = [
  'receive_date'           => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
  'total_amount'           => 1.00,
  'contact_id'             => 12345,
  "payment_instrument_id"  => 1,
  'currency'               => 'GBP',
  'financial_type_id'      => 1,
  'contribution_recur_id'  => $contributionRecurID,
  'contribution_status_id' => 'Pending',
  'is_test'                => 1,
  'line_items' => [
      'line_item' => [[
        'line_total'        => 1
        'unit_price'        => 1,
        "price_field_id"    => 1,
        'financial_type_id' => 1,
        'qty'               => 1,
civicrm_api3('Order', 'create', $orderCreateParams);

Call CRM_Core_Payment_Stripe::doPayment()

Then assemble the inputs for Stripe's doPayment() in a PropertyBag and call it.

This will create all the Stripe-specific structures that are needed: a Customer, a Plan and a Subscription. It will also save the card (paymentMethodID) to the customer.

The subscription, (unless you set a future start date) will have an invoice, and that invoice will have a payment intent.

The payment intent is automatically captured, if possible.


/** @var CRM_Core_Payment_Stripe */
$paymentProcessor = getTheStripePaymentObject();
/** @var array */
$input = getTheInputData();

$doPaymentParams = new \Civi\Payment\PropertyBag();
$doPaymentParams->setCustomProperty('paymentMethodID', $input['paymentMethodID']);

$result = $paymentProcessor->doPayment($doPaymentParams);
Observations I suspect need discussion

The function endDoPayment() in CRM_Core_Payment_MJWTrait.php is used to filter and construct the return params for doPayment() as agreed in dev/financial#141 (closed).

But.. note that the results may already be out of date because the related objects (contribution etc.) may have been updated by webhook events received from Stripe.

  • To get the real result you may need to disregard the data returned from doPayment and reload the objects, just using their IDs. From there you can see whether you have a payment intent yet, and what state it is in.