The resource ID cannot be null or whitespace / Stripe Contact update failed: Expected one PaymentProcessor but found 0
WordPress 6.1, CiviCRM 5.59.3, PHP 7.4, Stripe 6.8.1, Stripe API version 2022-11-15
After upgrading, I am now seeing these errors when attempting to make a payment using the test page:
Mar 21 02:13:26 [error] Stripe Payment Error: The resource ID cannot be null or whitespace.
Mar 21 02:13:26 [error] Stripe Contact update failed: Expected one PaymentProcessor but found 0
Mar 21 02:13:28 [debug] StripeNo matching contributions for event evt_XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Payment is taken from the customer and a Pending (Incomplete) transaction is created in CiviCRM.
The only events being sent over from Stripe to CiviCRM are a charge.succeeded and a charge.captured event. Both events appear in the Payment Processor Webhooks page.
Is there something I'm missing here?