The end of the address contains id=3. That means that this Payment Processor id is 3.
@@ -87,19 +87,19 @@ This extension comes with several APIs to help you troubleshoot problems. These
The api commands are:
* Listevents: Events are the notifications that Stripe sends to the Webhook. Listevents will list all notifications that have been sent. You can further restrict them with the following parameters:
* ppid - Use the given Payment Processor ID. By default, uses the saved, live Stripe payment processor and throws an error if there is more than one.
* type - Limit to the given Stripe events type. By default, show invoice.payment_succeeded. Change to 'all' to show all.
* output - What information to show. Defaults to 'brief' which provides a summary. Alternatively use raw to get the raw JSON returned by Stripe.
* limit - Limit number of results returned (100 is max, 10 is default).
* starting_after - Only return results after this event id. This can be used for paging purposes - if you want to retreive more than 100 results.
* Populatelog: If you are running a version of CiviCRM that supports the SystemLog - then this API call will populate your SystemLog with all of your past Stripe Events. You can safely re-run and not create duplicates. With a populated SystemLog - you can selectively replay events that may have caused errors the first time or otherwise not been properly recorded. Parameters:
* ppid - Use the given Payment Processor ID. By default, uses the saved, live Stripe payment processor and throws an error if there is more than one.
* Ipn: Replay a given Stripe Event. Parameters. This will always fetch the chosen Event from Stripe before replaying.
* id - The id from the SystemLog of the event to replay.
* evtid - The Event ID as provided by Stripe.
* ppid - Use the given Payment Processor ID. By default, uses the saved, live Stripe payment processor and throws an error if there is more than one.
* noreceipt - Set to 1 if you want to suppress the generation of receipts or set to 0 or leave out to send receipts normally.
*`Listevents`: Events are the notifications that Stripe sends to the Webhook. Listevents will list all notifications that have been sent. You can further restrict them with the following parameters:
*`ppid` - Use the given Payment Processor ID. By default, uses the saved, live Stripe payment processor and throws an error if there is more than one.
*`type` - Limit to the given Stripe events type. By default, show invoice.payment_succeeded. Change to 'all' to show all.
*`output` - What information to show. Defaults to 'brief' which provides a summary. Alternatively use raw to get the raw JSON returned by Stripe.
*`limit` - Limit number of results returned (100 is max, 10 is default).
*`starting_after` - Only return results after this event id. This can be used for paging purposes - if you want to retreive more than 100 results.
*`Populatelog`: If you are running a version of CiviCRM that supports the SystemLog - then this API call will populate your SystemLog with all of your past Stripe Events. You can safely re-run and not create duplicates. With a populated SystemLog - you can selectively replay events that may have caused errors the first time or otherwise not been properly recorded. Parameters:
*`ppid` - Use the given Payment Processor ID. By default, uses the saved, live Stripe payment processor and throws an error if there is more than one.
*`Ipn`: Replay a given Stripe Event. Parameters. This will always fetch the chosen Event from Stripe before replaying.
*`id` - The id from the SystemLog of the event to replay.
*`evtid` - The Event ID as provided by Stripe.
*`ppid` - Use the given Payment Processor ID. By default, uses the saved, live Stripe payment processor and throws an error if there is more than one.
*`noreceipt` - Set to 1 if you want to suppress the generation of receipts or set to 0 or leave out to send receipts normally.