* Return 200 OK for webhook events we don't handle (normally they won't be sent as the extension specifies what it requires but if configured manually it may receive events that we don't handle).
* Switch to new "recommended" contribution.repeattransaction and payment.create for new IPN payments.
* Implement new doCancelRecur functionality and hide optional notify processor on 5.27+ (this has no impact on older versions of CiviCRM).
* Fix CSRF token issues with civicrmStripeConfirm.js (3ds challenge was not triggering on thankyou page).
* civicrmStripeConfirm.js is now a library available at CRM.payment.confirm and builds on CRM.payment.
* Initial support for \Civi\Payment\PropertyBag
## Release 6.4
**This release REQUIRES that you upgrade mjwshared to 0.7 and your Stripe API version must be 2019-12-03 or newer.**