@@ -141,4 +141,55 @@ Required by the paymentRequest button. 2-character code (eg. "US") that can be f
'title'=>E::ts('Statement Descriptor'),
'description'=>E::ts('The text that will be shown on the customer bank/card statement.
If this is empty it will be generated by CiviCRM using the information available (Contact/ContributionID + event/contribution title).
<br/>If you want to use a fixed descriptor specify one here - make sure you comply with the <a href="%1" target="_blank">Statement descriptor requirements</a>.
'description'=>E::ts('For credit cards you can specify a static <a href="%2" target="_blank">"prefix"</a> in the Stripe account dashboard.
If this is empty the "suffix" will be generated by CiviCRM using the information available (Contact/ContributionID + event/contribution title).
<br/>If you want to use a fixed descriptor specify the suffix here - make sure you comply with the <a href="%1" target="_blank">Statement descriptor requirements</a>.