*`StripeSubscription.copytrxnidtoprocessorid` - Used to copy trxn_id to processor_id in civicrm_contribution_recur table so we can use cancelSubscription. Hopefully this won't be needed in future versions of CiviCRM if we can pass more sensible values to the cancelSubscription function.
*`StripeSubscription.import` - Use to import subscriptions into CiviCRM that are in Stripe but not CiviCRM.
Accepts various parameters but requires: Payment Processor ID, Stripe subscription ID and CiviCRM contact ID.
This API is used internally for tracking and managing paymentIntents. It can be used for querying information about attempted / successful payments using `StripePaymentintent.get`.
It's not advised that you use this API for anything else.
## Scheduled Jobs
*`Job.process_stripe` - this cancels uncaptured paymentIntents and removes successful ones from the local database cache after a period of time:
* delete_old: Delete old records from database. Specify 0 to disable. Default is "-3 month"
* cancel_incomplete: Cancel incomplete paymentIntents in your stripe account. Specify 0 to disable. Default is "-1 day"
* Track paymentIntents and cancel uncaptured ones after 24 hours.
> Configurable via scheduled Job.process_stripe and API.
* Refactor to support updating amount and re-confirming once we reach the thankyou page.
* When we don't know the amount, pre-auth the card but don't confirm, then update the amount requested.
> This resolves, for example, registering multiple participants. Users may receive an additional confirmation step such as 3d secure on the *Thankyou* page if their card issuer requires it.
* Refactor passing of token parameters to use pre_approval_parameters.
> This should resolve some issues with *PaymentIntent not found*.
* Improve support for refunds in preparation for work in CiviCRM core (#15476-15479).
## Release 6.1.6
* Fix [#103](https://lab.civicrm.org/extensions/stripe/issues/103) - Allow submission of drupal webform when there are multiple processors on the page (eg. Stripe + Pay later).
@@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ In addition to the receipts that CiviCRM can send, Stripe will send it's own rec
If you wish to disable this under *Administer->CiviContribute->Stripe Settings* you can find a setting that allows you to disable Stripe from sending receipts:
* Allow Stripe to send a receipt for one-off payments?
## Cancelling abandoned payment attempts
A scheduled job (Job.process_stripe) automatically cancels abandoned (uncaptured) paymentIntents after 24 hours.