*`ppid` - Use the given Payment Processor ID. By default, uses the saved, live Stripe payment processor and throws an error if there is more than one.
*`noreceipt` - Set to 1 if you want to suppress the generation of receipts or set to 0 or leave out to send receipts normally.
### Additionally for upgrading:
## StripeCustomer
*`StripeCustomer.updatecontactids` - Used to migrate civicrm_stripe_customer table to match on contact_id instead of email address.
*`StripeCustomer.updatestripemetadata` - Used to update stripe customers that were created using an older version of the extension (adds name to description and contact_id as a metadata field).
## StripeSubscription
*`StripeSubscription.updatetransactionids` - Used to migrate civicrm_stripe_subscriptions to use recurring contributions directly.
*`StripeSubscription.copytrxnidtoprocessorid` - Used to copy trxn_id to processor_id in civicrm_contribution_recur table so we can use cancelSubscription. Hopefully this won't be needed in future versions of CiviCRM if we can pass more sensible values to the cancelSubscription function.
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*`StripeSubscription.copytrxnidtoprocessorid` - Used to copy trxn_id to processor_id in civicrm_contribution_recur table so we can use cancelSubscription. Hopefully this won't be needed in future versions of CiviCRM if we can pass more sensible values to the cancelSubscription function.
*`StripeSubscription.import` - Use to import subscriptions into CiviCRM that are in Stripe but not CiviCRM.
Accepts various parameters but requires: Payment Processor ID, Stripe subscription ID and CiviCRM contact ID.