900 B
Drupal Webform + Webform_civicrm
The Stripe extension works with Drupal Webform + Webform_civicrm.
!!! note "Drupal 7" You must enable the contributiontransactlegacy CiviCRM extension which replaces the Contribution.transact API with a working one. In the future we hope that webform_civicrm switches to a supported API.
Minimum version: 7.x-5.5 or 8.x-5.0
Known issues
Test Mode will not work for drupal webform if there are multiple payment processors configured on the webform.
Recurring Payments
For recurring payments make sure that:
- You have either "Number of installments" or "Interval of installments" element on the same "page" as the payment.
- The elements are either visible or hidden (hidden element) - do NOT select hidden (secure value) as it won't work.