
| Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
| |
| This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
| permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
| and copyright information, see |
namespace Civi\Stripe\Webhook;
use Civi\Api4\Contribution;
use Civi\Api4\ContributionRecur;
use CRM_Stripe_ExtensionUtil as E;

class Events {
use \CRM_Core_Payment_MJWIPNTrait;
* @var \Civi\Stripe\Api
private $api;
public function __construct(int $paymentProcessorID) {
$this->api = new \Civi\Stripe\Api($this->_paymentProcessor);

* @param string $eventID
* @return void
public function setEventID(string $eventID): void {
$this->eventID = $eventID;
* @param string $eventType
* @return void
public function setEventType(string $eventType): void {
$this->eventType = $eventType;
* @param \Stripe\StripeObject|\PropertySpy $data
* @return void
public function setData($data): void {
$this->data = $data;
* @return \stdClass
public function getResultObject() {

$return = new \stdClass();
$return->message = '';
$return->ok = FALSE;
$return->exception = NULL;
return $return;
* A) A one-off contribution will have trxn_id == stripe.charge_id
* B) A contribution linked to a recur (stripe subscription):
* 1. May have the trxn_id == stripe.subscription_id if the invoice was not generated at the time the contribution
* was created
* (Eg. the recur was setup with a future recurring start date).
* This will be updated to trxn_id == stripe.invoice_id when a suitable IPN is received
* @todo: Which IPN events will update this?
* 2. May have the trxn_id == stripe.invoice_id if the invoice was generated at the time the contribution was
* created OR the contribution has been updated by the IPN when the invoice was generated.
* @param string $chargeID Optional, one of chargeID, invoiceID, subscriptionID must be specified
* @param string $invoiceID
* @param string $subscriptionID

* @return array
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
private function findContribution(string $chargeID = '', string $invoiceID = '', string $subscriptionID = '', string $paymentIntentID = ''): array {

$paymentParams = [
'contribution_test' => $this->getPaymentProcessor()->getIsTestMode(),
// A) One-off contribution
if (!empty($chargeID)) {
$paymentParams['trxn_id'] = $chargeID;
$contributionApi3 = civicrm_api3('Mjwpayment', 'get_contribution', $paymentParams);
// A2) trxn_id = paymentIntentID if set by checkout.session.completed
if (empty($contributionApi3['count'])) {
if (!empty($paymentIntentID)) {
$paymentParams['trxn_id'] = $paymentIntentID;
$contributionApi3 = civicrm_api3('Mjwpayment', 'get_contribution', $paymentParams);

// B2) Contribution linked to subscription and we have invoice_id
// @todo there is a case where $contribution is not defined (i.e. if charge_id is empty)
if (empty($contributionApi3['count'])) {

if (!empty($invoiceID)) {
$paymentParams['order_reference'] = $invoiceID;
$contributionApi3 = civicrm_api3('Mjwpayment', 'get_contribution', $paymentParams);
// B1) Contribution linked to subscription and we have subscription_id
// @todo there is a case where $contribution is not defined (i.e. if charge_id, invoice_id are empty)
if (empty($contributionApi3['count'])) {

if (!empty($subscriptionID)) {
$paymentParams['order_reference'] = $subscriptionID;
$contributionApi3 = civicrm_api3('Mjwpayment', 'get_contribution', $paymentParams);
// @todo there is a case where $contribution is not defined (i.e. if charge_id, invoice_id, subscription_id are empty)
if (empty($contributionApi3['count'])) {

if ((bool)\Civi::settings()->get('stripe_ipndebug')) {
$message = $this->getPaymentProcessor()->getPaymentProcessorLabel() . 'No matching contributions for event ' . $this->getEventID();

$result = [];
\CRM_Mjwshared_Hook::webhookEventNotMatched('stripe', $this, 'contribution_not_found', $result);
if (empty($result['contribution'])) {
return [];
$contribution = $result['contribution'];
else {
$contribution = $contributionApi3['values'][$contributionApi3['id']];
return $contribution ?? [];
* This allows us to end a subscription once:
* a) We've reached the end date / number of installments
* b) The recurring contribution is marked as completed
* @param string $subscriptionID
* @param int|NULL $contributionRecurID
* @return void
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
* @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException
* @throws \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException
private function handleInstallmentsForSubscription(string $subscriptionID = '', int $contributionRecurID = NULL) {
// Check that we have both contributionRecurID and subscriptionID
if ((empty($contributionRecurID)) || (empty($subscriptionID))) {
$contributionRecur = ContributionRecur::get(FALSE)
->addWhere('id', '=', $contributionRecurID)
// Do we have an end date?
if (empty($contributionRecur['end_date'])) {
// There is no easy way of retrieving a count of all invoices for a subscription so we ignore the "installments"
// parameter for now and rely on checking end_date (which was calculated based on number of installments...)
// if (empty($contributionRecur['installments'])) { return; }
$stripeSubscription = $this->getPaymentProcessor()->stripeClient->subscriptions->retrieve($subscriptionID);
// If the subscription is already cancelled don't try to modify it
if (!empty($stripeSubscription->canceled_at) || $stripeSubscription->status === 'canceled') {
// If we've passed the end date cancel the subscription
if (($stripeSubscription->current_period_end >= strtotime($contributionRecur['end_date']))
|| ($contributionRecur['contribution_status_id']
== \CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionRecur', 'contribution_status_id', 'Completed'))) {
$this->getPaymentProcessor()->stripeClient->subscriptions->update($subscriptionID, ['cancel_at_period_end' => TRUE]);
$this->updateRecurCompleted(['id' => $contributionRecurID]);
* Get the recurring contribution from the Stripe subscription ID
* @return array
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
public function getRecurFromSubscriptionID($subscriptionID): array {
if (empty($subscriptionID)) {
return [];
// Get the recurring contribution record associated with the Stripe subscription.
$contributionRecur = ContributionRecur::get(FALSE)
->addWhere('processor_id', '=', $subscriptionID)
->addWhere('is_test', 'IN', [TRUE, FALSE])
if (empty($contributionRecur)) {
if ((bool)\Civi::settings()->get('stripe_ipndebug')) {
$message = $this->getPaymentProcessor()->getPaymentProcessorLabel() . ': ' . $this->getEventID() . ': Cannot find recurring contribution for subscription ID: ' . $subscriptionID;
return [];
return $contributionRecur;
* Create the next contribution for a recurring contribution
* This happens when Stripe generates a new invoice and notifies us (normally by invoice.finalized but
* invoice.payment_succeeded sometimes arrives first).
* @param string $chargeID
* @param string $invoiceID
* @param array $contributionRecur
* @return int
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
* @throws \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException
public function createNextContributionForRecur(string $chargeID, string $invoiceID, array $contributionRecur): int {
// We have a recurring contribution but no contribution so we'll repeattransaction
// Stripe has generated a new invoice (next payment in a subscription) so we
// create a new contribution in CiviCRM
$balanceTransactionDetails = $this->api->getDetailsFromBalanceTransaction($chargeID, $this->getData()->object);
$repeatContributionParams = [
'contribution_recur_id' => $contributionRecur['id'],
'contribution_status_id' => \CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Pending'),
'receive_date' => $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('receive_date', 'String', $this->getData()->object),
'order_reference' => $invoiceID,
'trxn_id' => $chargeID,
'total_amount' => $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('amount', 'String', $this->getData()->object),

// 'fee_amount' Added below via $balanceTransactionDetails

foreach ($balanceTransactionDetails as $key => $value) {
$repeatContributionParams[$key] = $value;
return $this->repeatContribution($repeatContributionParams);
// Don't touch the contributionRecur as it's updated automatically by Contribution.repeattransaction

* Format the message that is returned from the event processor
* @param string $function
* @param string $message
* @param array $entityIDs
* @return string
private function formatResultMessage(string $function, string $message, array $entityIDs = []): string {
$resultMessage = $function . ': ' . $message;
if (!empty($entityIDs)) {
$entityStrings = [];
foreach ($entityIDs as $entityName => $entityID) {
$entityStrings[] = $entityName . ':' . $entityID;
$resultMessage = $resultMessage . '. ' . implode(';', $entityStrings);
return $resultMessage;
* Webhook event: charge.succeeded / charge.captured
* We process charge.succeeded per charge.captured
* @return \stdClass
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
* @throws \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException
public function doChargeSucceeded(): \stdClass {
$return = $this->getResultObject();
// Check we have the right data object for this event
if (($this->getData()->object->object ?? '') !== 'charge') {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Invalid object type');
return $return;
// For a recurring contribution we can process charge.succeeded once we receive the event with an invoice ID.
// For a single contribution we can't process charge.succeeded because it only triggers BEFORE the charge is captured
if (empty($this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('customer_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object))) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'not processing because no customer_id');
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
$chargeID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('charge_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
if (!$chargeID) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Missing charge_id');
return $return;
$paymentIntentID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('payment_intent_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
$invoiceID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('invoice_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
$contribution = $this->findContribution($chargeID, $invoiceID, '', $paymentIntentID);
if (empty($contribution)) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ignoring - contribution not found');
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
// For a single contribution we have to use charge.captured because it has the customer_id.
// We only process charge.captured for one-off contributions (see invoice.paid/invoice.payment_succeeded for recurring)
if (!empty($contribution['contribution_recur_id'])) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ignoring - contribution has recur');
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
// We only process charge.captured for one-off contributions
if (empty($this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('captured', 'Boolean', $this->getData()->object))) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ignoring - charge not captured');
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
$pendingContributionStatusID = (int) \CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Pending');
$failedContributionStatusID = (int) \CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Failed');
$completedContributionStatusID = (int) \CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Completed');
$statusesAllowedToComplete = [$pendingContributionStatusID, $failedContributionStatusID];
// If contribution is in Pending or Failed state record payment and transition to Completed
if (in_array($contribution['contribution_status_id'], $statusesAllowedToComplete)) {
$balanceTransactionDetails = $this->api->getDetailsFromBalanceTransaction($chargeID, $this->getData()->object);
$contributionParams = [
'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'],
'trxn_date' => $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('receive_date', 'String', $this->getData()->object),
'order_reference' => !empty($invoiceID) ? $invoiceID : $chargeID,
'trxn_id' => $chargeID,
'total_amount' => $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('amount', 'Float', $this->getData()->object),
// 'fee_amount' Added below via $balanceTransactionDetails
foreach ($balanceTransactionDetails as $key => $value) {
$contributionParams[$key] = $value;
elseif ($contribution['contribution_status_id'] === $completedContributionStatusID) {
// By this point we should have a contribution and a completed payment
$financialTrxn = \Civi\Api4\FinancialTrxn::get(FALSE)
->addSelect('*', 'custom.*')
->addWhere('trxn_id', '=', $chargeID)
->addWhere('is_payment', '=', TRUE)
->addWhere('status_id:name', '=', 'Completed')
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'already completed. No additional payment details added', ['coid' => $contribution['id']]);
if (empty($financialTrxn['Payment_details.available_on'])) {
$balanceTransactionDetails = $this->api->getDetailsFromBalanceTransaction($chargeID, $this->getData()->object);
foreach ($balanceTransactionDetails as $key => $value) {
$paymentParams[$key] = $value;
$customFields = \Civi\Api4\CustomField::get(FALSE)
->addWhere('custom_group_id:name', '=', 'Payment_details')
foreach ($customFields as $key => $value) {
if (isset($paymentParams[$key])) {
$customParams['custom_' . $value['id']] = $paymentParams[$key];
if (!empty($customParams)) {
$customParams['entity_id'] = $financialTrxn['id'];
civicrm_api3('CustomValue', 'create', $customParams);
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'already completed. Added additional payment details', ['coid' => $contribution['id']]);
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, '', ['coid' => $contribution['id']]);
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;

* Webhook event: charge.refunded

* Process the charge.refunded event from Stripe
* @return \stdClass
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
* @throws \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException
public function doChargeRefunded(): \stdClass {

$return = $this->getResultObject();
// Check we have the right data object for this event
if (($this->getData()->object->object ?? '') !== 'charge') {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Invalid object type');

return $return;
// Cancelling an uncaptured paymentIntent triggers charge.refunded but we don't want to process that
if (empty($this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('captured', 'Boolean', $this->getData()->object))) {

$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
// Charge ID is required
$chargeID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('charge_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);

if (!$chargeID) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Missing charge_id');

return $return;
// Invoice ID is optional
$invoiceID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('invoice_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);

// This gives us the refund date + reason code
$refunds = $this->getPaymentProcessor()->stripeClient->refunds->all(['charge' => $chargeID, 'limit' => 1]);
$refund = $refunds->data[0];
// Stripe does not refund fees - see
// This gives us the actual amount refunded
$amountRefunded = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('amount_refunded', 'Float', $this->getData()->object);

// Get the CiviCRM contribution that matches the Stripe metadata we have from the event
$contribution = $this->findContribution($chargeID, $invoiceID);
if (empty($contribution)) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Contribution not found');

return $return;
if (isset($contribution['payments'])) {
foreach ($contribution['payments'] as $payment) {
if ($payment['trxn_id'] === $refund->id) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Refund already recorded in CiviCRM', ['refund ID' => $refund->id]);

return $return;
if ($payment['trxn_id'] === $chargeID) {
// This triggers the financial transactions/items to be updated correctly.
$cancelledPaymentID = $payment['id'];
$refundParams = [
'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'],
'total_amount' => 0 - abs($amountRefunded),
'trxn_date' => date('YmdHis', $refund->created),
'trxn_result_code' => $refund->reason,
'fee_amount' => 0,
'trxn_id' => $refund->id,
'order_reference' => $invoiceID,
if (!empty($cancelledPaymentID)) {
$refundParams['cancelled_payment_id'] = $cancelledPaymentID;
$lock = \Civi::lockManager()->acquire('data.contribute.contribution.' . $refundParams['contribution_id']);
if (!$lock->isAcquired()) {
\Civi::log('stripe')->error('Could not acquire lock to record refund for contribution: ' . $refundParams['contribution_id']);

$refundPayment = civicrm_api3('Payment', 'get', [
'trxn_id' => $refundParams['trxn_id'],
'total_amount' => $refundParams['total_amount'],
if (!empty($refundPayment['count'])) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Refund already recorded', ['coid' => $contribution['id']]);
$return->ok = TRUE;

else {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Refund recorded', ['coid' => $contribution['id']]);
$return->ok = TRUE;

return $return;
* Webhook event: charge.failed
* One-time donation and per invoice payment
* @return \stdClass
* @throws \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException
public function doChargeFailed(): \stdClass {
$return = $this->getResultObject();
// Check we have the right data object for this event
if (($this->getData()->object->object ?? '') !== 'charge') {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Invalid object type');
return $return;
// If we don't have a customer_id we can't do anything with it!
// It's quite likely to be a fraudulent/spam so we ignore.
if (empty($this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('customer_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object))) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ignoring - no customer_id');
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
// Charge ID is required
$chargeID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('charge_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Missing charge_id');
$paymentIntentID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('payment_intent_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
$invoiceID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('invoice_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
$contribution = $this->findContribution($chargeID, $invoiceID, '', $paymentIntentID);
if (empty($contribution)) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Contribution not found');
return $return;
$failedContributionParams = [
'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'],
'cancel_date' => $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('receive_date', 'String', $this->getData()->object),
'cancel_reason' => $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('failure_message', 'String', $this->getData()->object),
// Fallback from invoiceID to chargeID. We can't use ?? because invoiceID might be empty string ie. '' and not NULL
$failedContributionParams['order_reference'] = empty($invoiceID) ? $chargeID : $invoiceID;
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, '', ['coid' => $contribution['id']]);
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
* Webhook event: checkout.session.completed
* @return \stdClass
public function doCheckoutSessionCompleted(): \stdClass {
$return = $this->getResultObject();
// Check we have the right data object for this event
if (($this->getData()->object->object ?? '') !== 'checkout.session') {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Invalid object type');
return $return;
// Invoice ID is required
$clientReferenceID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('client_reference_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
if (!$clientReferenceID) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Missing client_reference_id');
return $return;
$contribution = Contribution::get(FALSE)
->addWhere('invoice_id', '=', $clientReferenceID)
->addWhere('is_test', 'IN', [TRUE, FALSE])
if (empty($contribution)) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'contribution not found for client_reference_id');
return $return;
// For one-off we have a paymentintentID
$paymentIntentID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('payment_intent_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
// For subscription we have invoice + subscription
$invoiceID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('invoice_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
$subscriptionID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('subscription_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
if (!empty($invoiceID)) {
$contributionTrxnID = $invoiceID;
elseif (!empty($paymentIntentID)) {
$contributionTrxnID = $paymentIntentID;
else {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Missing invoiceID or paymentIntentID');
return $return;
->addWhere('id', '=', $contribution['id'])
->addValue('trxn_id', $contributionTrxnID)
if (!empty($subscriptionID) && !empty($contribution['contribution_recur_id'])) {
->addWhere('id', '=', $contribution['contribution_recur_id'])
->addValue('processor_id', $subscriptionID)
// The charge.succeeded and invoice.paid (for recurring contributions)
// notices often arrive before checkout.session.completed and we have no
// way to match it to a contribution so it will be ignored. Now we have
// processed checkout.session.completed see if we need to process
// charge.succeeded or invoice.paid again.
if (!empty($subscriptionID) && !empty($contribution['contribution_recur_id'])) {
$identifier = $subscriptionID;
$trigger = 'invoice.paid';
else {
$identifier = $paymentIntentID;
$trigger = 'charge.succeeded';
$webhook = \Civi\Api4\PaymentprocessorWebhook::get(FALSE)
->addWhere('identifier', 'CONTAINS', $identifier)
->addWhere('trigger', '=', $trigger)
->addWhere('status', '=', 'success')
->addOrderBy('created_date', 'DESC')
if (!empty($webhook)) {
// Flag for re-processing
->addValue('status', 'new')
->addValue('processed_date', NULL)
->addWhere('id', '=', $webhook['id'])
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, "${trigger} flagged for re-process", ['coid' => $contribution['id']]);
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, "No suitable {$trigger} found to re-process for {$identifier}", ['coid' => $contribution['id']]);
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
* Webhook event: invoice.paid / invoice.payment_succeeded
* Invoice changed to paid. This is nearly identical to invoice.payment_succeeded
* The invoice.payment_successful type Event object is created and sent to any webhook endpoints configured
* to accept that type of Event when the PaymentIntent powering the payment of an Invoice is used successfully.
* The invoice.paid type Event object is created and sent to any webhook endpoints configured to accept that
* type of Event when the Invoice object has its paid property modified to a "true" value
* (see
* Successful recurring payment. Either we are completing an existing contribution or it's the next one in a subscription
* @return \stdClass
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
* @throws \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException
public function doInvoicePaid(): \stdClass {
$return = $this->getResultObject();
// Check we have the right data object for this event
if (($this->getData()->object->object ?? '') !== 'invoice') {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Invalid object type');
return $return;
// Invoice ID is required
$invoiceID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('invoice_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
if (!$invoiceID) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Missing invoice_id');
return $return;
$chargeID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('charge_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
$subscriptionID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('subscription_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
$contributionRecur = $this->getRecurFromSubscriptionID($subscriptionID);
if (empty($contributionRecur)) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, E::ts('No contributionRecur record found in CiviCRM. Ignored'));
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
// Acquire the lock to find/create contribution
$lock = \Civi::lockManager()->acquire('data.contribute.contribution.' . $invoiceID);
if (!$lock->isAcquired()) {
\Civi::log('stripe')->error('Could not acquire lock to record ' . $this->getEventType() . ' for Stripe InvoiceID: ' . $invoiceID);
// We *normally/ideally* expect to be able to find the contribution,
// since the logical order of events would be invoice.finalized first which
// creates a contribution; then invoice.payment_succeeded/paid following, which would
// find it.
$contribution = $this->findContribution($chargeID, $invoiceID, $subscriptionID);
if (empty($contribution)) {
// We were unable to locate the Contribution; it could be the next one in a subscription.
if (empty($contributionRecur['id'])) {
// Hmmm. We could not find the contribution recur record either. Silently ignore this event(!)
$return->ok = TRUE;
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, E::ts('No contribution or recur record found in CiviCRM. Ignored'));
return $return;
else {
// We have a recurring contribution but have not yet received invoice.finalized so we don't have the next contribution yet.
// invoice.payment_succeeded sometimes comes before invoice.finalized so trigger the same behaviour here to create a new contribution
$contributionID = $this->createNextContributionForRecur($chargeID, $invoiceID, $contributionRecur);
// Now get the contribution we just created.
$contribution = Contribution::get(FALSE)
->addWhere('id', '=', $contributionID)
// Release the lock to find/create contribution
// Now acquire lock to record payment on the contribution
$lock = \Civi::lockManager()->acquire('data.contribute.contribution.' . $contribution['id']);
if (!$lock->isAcquired()) {
\Civi::log('stripe')->error('Could not acquire lock to record ' . $this->getEventType() . ' for contribution: ' . $contribution['id']);
// By this point we should have a contribution
if (civicrm_api3('Mjwpayment', 'get_payment', [
'trxn_id' => $chargeID,
'status_id' => 'Completed',
])['count'] > 0) {
// Payment already recorded
$return->ok = TRUE;
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, E::ts('Payment already recorded'), ['coid' => $contribution['id']]);
return $return;
$pendingContributionStatusID = (int) \CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Pending');
$failedContributionStatusID = (int) \CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Failed');
$statusesAllowedToComplete = [$pendingContributionStatusID, $failedContributionStatusID];
// If contribution is in Pending or Failed state record payment and transition to Completed
if (in_array($contribution['contribution_status_id'], $statusesAllowedToComplete)) {
$balanceTransactionDetails = $this->api->getDetailsFromBalanceTransaction($chargeID, $this->getData()->object);
$contributionParams = [
'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'],
'trxn_date' => $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('receive_date', 'String', $this->getData()->object),
'order_reference' => $invoiceID,
'trxn_id' => $chargeID,
'total_amount' => $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('amount', 'String', $this->getData()->object),

// 'fee_amount' Added below via $balanceTransactionDetails
'contribution_status_id' => $contribution['contribution_status_id'],

foreach ($balanceTransactionDetails as $key => $value) {
$contributionParams[$key] = $value;

// The contributionRecur as it's updated automatically by Contribution.completetransaction
// However, it will only update status if in "Pending" or "In Progress"
// Get the contributionRecur and if not in "In Progress" update it to that since we have a successful payment
$recur = ContributionRecur::get(FALSE)
->addWhere('id', '=', $contributionRecur['id'])
if (!empty($recur) && ($recur['contribution_status_id:name'] !== 'In Progress')) {
->addValue('contribution_status_id:name', 'In Progress')
->addWhere('id', '=', $contributionRecur['id'])
$this->handleInstallmentsForSubscription($subscriptionID, $contributionRecur['id']);
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, '', ['coid' => $contribution['id']]);
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
* Webhook event: invoice.finalized
* @return \stdClass
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
* @throws \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException
public function doInvoiceFinalized(): \stdClass {
$return = $this->getResultObject();
// Check we have the right data object for this event
if (($this->getData()->object->object?? '') !== 'invoice') {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Invalid object type');
return $return;
// Invoice ID is required
$invoiceID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('invoice_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
if (!$invoiceID) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Missing invoice_id');
return $return;
$chargeID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('charge_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
$subscriptionID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('subscription_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
$contributionRecur = $this->getRecurFromSubscriptionID($subscriptionID);
if (empty($contributionRecur)) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, E::ts('No contributionRecur record found in CiviCRM. Ignored'));
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
$contribution = $this->findContribution($chargeID, $invoiceID, $subscriptionID);
// An invoice has been created and finalized (ready for payment)
// This usually happens automatically through a Stripe subscription
if (empty($contribution)) {
// Unable to find a Contribution.
$this->createNextContributionForRecur($chargeID, $invoiceID, $contributionRecur);
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
// For a future recur start date we setup the initial contribution with the
// Stripe subscriptionID because we didn't have an invoice.
// Now we do we can map subscription_id to invoice_id so payment can be recorded
// via subsequent IPN requests (eg. invoice.payment_succeeded)
if ($contribution['trxn_id'] === $subscriptionID) {
'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'],
'trxn_id' => $invoiceID,
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, '', ['coid' => $contribution['id']]);
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
* Webhook event: invoice.payment_failed
* Failed recurring payment. Either we are failing an existing contribution or it's the next one in a subscription
* @return \stdClass
* @throws \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException
public function doInvoicePaymentFailed(): \stdClass {
$return = $this->getResultObject();
// Check we have the right data object for this event
if (($this->getData()->object->object?? '') !== 'invoice') {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Invalid object type');
return $return;
// Invoice ID is required
$invoiceID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('invoice_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
if (!$invoiceID) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Missing invoice_id');
return $return;
$chargeID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('charge_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
// Get the CiviCRM contribution that matches the Stripe metadata we have from the event
$contribution = $this->findContribution($chargeID, $invoiceID);
if (empty($contribution)) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Contribution not found');
return $return;
$pendingContributionStatusID = (int) \CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Pending');
if ($contribution['contribution_status_id'] == $pendingContributionStatusID) {
// If this contribution is Pending, set it to Failed.
// To obtain the failure_message we need to look up the charge object
$failureMessage = '';
if ($chargeID) {
$stripeCharge = $this->getPaymentProcessor()->stripeClient->charges->retrieve($chargeID);
$failureMessage = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('failure_message', 'String', $stripeCharge);
$failureMessage = is_string($failureMessage) ? $failureMessage : '';
$receiveDate = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('receive_date', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
$params = [
'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'],
'order_reference' => $invoiceID,
'cancel_date' => $receiveDate,
'cancel_reason' => $failureMessage,
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, '', ['coid' => $contribution['id']]);
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
* Subscription is cancelled.
* @return \stdClass
* @throws \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException
public function doCustomerSubscriptionDeleted(): \stdClass {
$return = $this->getResultObject();
// Check we have the right data object for this event
if (($this->getData()->object->object ?? '') !== 'subscription') {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Invalid object type');
return $return;
$subscriptionID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('subscription_id', 'String', $this->getData()->object);
if (!$subscriptionID) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Missing subscription_id');
return $return;
$contributionRecur = $this->getRecurFromSubscriptionID($subscriptionID);
if (empty($contributionRecur)) {
// Subscription was not found in CiviCRM
$result = [];
\CRM_Mjwshared_Hook::webhookEventNotMatched('stripe', $this, 'subscription_not_found', $result);
if (empty($result['contributionRecur'])) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, E::ts('No contributionRecur record found in CiviCRM. Ignored'));
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
else {
$contributionRecur = $result['contributionRecur'];
// Cancel the recurring contribution
$this->updateRecurCancelled(['id' => $contributionRecur['id'], 'cancel_date' => $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('cancel_date', 'String', $this->getData()->object)]);
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'cancelled', ['crid' => $contributionRecur['id']]);
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
* Subscription is updated. We don't currently do anything with this
* @return \stdClass
public function doCustomerSubscriptionUpdated(): \stdClass {
$return = $this->getResultObject();
/** @var \Stripe\StripeObject $data */
$stripeData = $this->getData();
if (!($stripeData->object instanceof \Stripe\Subscription)) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Invalid data');
return $return;
// Check we have the right data object for this event
if (($stripeData->object->object ?? '') !== 'subscription') {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'Invalid object type');
return $return;
$subscriptionID = $this->api->getValueFromStripeObject('subscription_id', 'String', $stripeData->object);
$contributionRecur = $this->getRecurFromSubscriptionID($subscriptionID);
if (empty($contributionRecur)) {
// Subscription was not found in CiviCRM
$result = [];
\CRM_Mjwshared_Hook::webhookEventNotMatched('stripe', $this, 'subscription_not_found', $result);
if (empty($result['contributionRecur'])) {
$return->message = $this->formatResultMessage(__FUNCTION__, E::ts('No contributionRecur record found in CiviCRM. Ignored'));
$return->ok = TRUE;
return $return;
$contributionRecur = $result['contributionRecur'];
if (!isset($stripeData->previous_attributes)) {