| Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
| |
| This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
| permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
| and copyright information, see |
public static function getObjectParam($name, $stripeObject) {
switch ($stripeObject->object) {
case 'charge':
switch ($name) {
case 'charge_id':
return (string) $stripeObject->id;
case 'failure_code':
return (string) $stripeObject->failure_code;
case 'failure_message':
return (string) $stripeObject->failure_message;

case 'amount':
return (float) $stripeObject->amount / 100;
case 'refunded':
return (bool) $stripeObject->refunded;
case 'amount_refunded':
return (float) $stripeObject->amount_refunded / 100;
case 'customer_id':
return (string) $stripeObject->customer;
case 'balance_transaction':
return (string) $stripeObject->balance_transaction;
case 'receive_date':
return self::formatDate($stripeObject->created);
case 'invoice_id':
return (string) $stripeObject->invoice;
case 'captured':
return (bool) $stripeObject->captured;
case 'currency':
return (string) mb_strtoupper($stripeObject->currency);
switch ($name) {
case 'charge_id':
return (string) $stripeObject->charge;
case 'invoice_id':
return (string) $stripeObject->id;
case 'receive_date':
return self::formatDate($stripeObject->created);
case 'subscription_id':
return (string) $stripeObject->subscription;
case 'amount':
return (string) $stripeObject->amount_due / 100;
case 'amount_paid':
return (string) $stripeObject->amount_paid / 100;
case 'amount_remaining':
return (string) $stripeObject->amount_remaining / 100;
case 'currency':
return (string) mb_strtoupper($stripeObject->currency);
case 'status_id':
if ((bool) $stripeObject->paid) {
return 'Completed';
else {
return 'Pending';
case 'description':
return (string) $stripeObject->description;
case 'customer_id':
return (string) $stripeObject->customer;
case 'failure_message':
$stripeCharge = \Stripe\Charge::retrieve($stripeObject->charge);
return (string) $stripeCharge->failure_message;
switch ($name) {
case 'frequency_interval':
return (string) $stripeObject->plan->interval_count;
case 'frequency_unit':
return (string) $stripeObject->plan->interval;
case 'plan_amount':
return (string) $stripeObject->plan->amount / 100;
case 'currency':
return (string) mb_strtoupper($stripeObject->plan->currency);
case 'plan_start':
return self::formatDate($stripeObject->start_date);
case 'cancel_date':
return self::formatDate($stripeObject->canceled_at);
case 'cycle_day':
return date("d", $stripeObject->billing_cycle_anchor);
case 'subscription_id':
return (string) $stripeObject->id;
case 'status_id':
switch ($stripeObject->status) {
case \Stripe\Subscription::STATUS_INCOMPLETE:
return CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Pending');
case \Stripe\Subscription::STATUS_TRIALING:
return CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'In Progress');
case \Stripe\Subscription::STATUS_PAST_DUE:
return CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Overdue');
case \Stripe\Subscription::STATUS_CANCELED:
case \Stripe\Subscription::STATUS_UNPAID:
case \Stripe\Subscription::STATUS_INCOMPLETE_EXPIRED:
return CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Cancelled');
case 'customer_id':
return (string) $stripeObject->customer;
return NULL;
* Return a formatted date from a stripe timestamp or NULL if not set
* @param int $stripeTimestamp
* @return string|null
private static function formatDate($stripeTimestamp) {
return $stripeTimestamp ? date('YmdHis', $stripeTimestamp) : NULL;
* @param string $name
* @param \Stripe\StripeObject $stripeObject
* @return string|null
public static function getParam($name, $stripeObject) {
// Common parameters
switch ($name) {
case 'customer_id':
return (string) $stripeObject->customer;
case 'event_type':
return (string) $stripeObject->type;
case 'id':
return (string) $stripeObject->id;
case 'previous_plan_id':
if (preg_match('/\.updated$/', $stripeObject->type)) {
return (string) $stripeObject->data->previous_attributes->plan->id;
return NULL;

* Convert amount to a new currency
* @param float $amount
* @param float $exchangeRate
* @param string $currency
* @return float

public static function currencyConversion($amount, $exchangeRate, $currency) {
$amount = ($amount / $exchangeRate) / 100;
// We must round to currency precision otherwise payments may fail because Contribute BAO saves but then
// can't retrieve because it tries to use the full unrounded number when it only got saved with 2dp.
$amount = round($amount, CRM_Utils_Money::getCurrencyPrecision($currency));
return $amount;