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  • site_name: Developer Guide
    site_description: A guide for CiviCRM developers.
    site_author: The CiviCRM community
    theme: material
    totten's avatar
    totten committed
    - Basics:
      - Developer Community: basics/
      - Requirements: basics/
      - Useful Skills: basics/
      - Planning Your Project: basics/
      - File System: basics/
    - Development tools:
      - Development tools: tools/
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
      - Buildkit: tools/
      - civibuild: tools/
      - cividist: tools/
    mickadoo's avatar
    mickadoo committed
      - civilint: tools/
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
      - GitHub: tools/
      - PhpStorm: tools/
      - Debugging: tools/
    - Core Development:
      - When to Edit Core: core/
      - How to Contribute: core/
      - Reviewing PR's: core/
      - Codebase & Architecture: core/
      # Reporting Bugs & Issues: /core/
      # Submitting a Patch: /core/
      # Verifying a Bug Fix: /core/
    - Extensions Development:
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
      - Basics: extensions/
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
      - Packaging options: extensions/
      - civix: extensions/
      - Extension Structure: extensions/
      - info.xml file: extensions/
      # Creating Pages: extensions/
      # Storing Configuration: extensions/
      # Storing Data: extensions/
      # Setting Permissions: extensions/
      # Adding API Functions: extensions/
      # Reports: extensions/
      # Searches: extensions/
      # Payment Processors: extensions/
      - Publishing Extensions: extensions/
      - Extension Lifecycle: extensions/
      - Troubleshooting: extensions/
      - Advanced patterns: extensions/
    mickadoo's avatar
    mickadoo committed
    - Testing:
      - Testing Setup: testing/
      - "PHPUnit Tests": testing/
      - "Javascript Tests": testing/
      - "Selinium Tests": testing/
    mickadoo's avatar
    mickadoo committed
      - "Continuous Integration": testing/
      - "Upgrade Tests": testing/
    - Framework Reference:
        - "AngularJS: Intro": framework/angular/
        - "AngularJS: Quick Start": framework/angular/
        - "AngularJS: File Names": framework/angular/
        - "AngularJS: Loader": framework/angular/
        - "AngularJS: Changesets":  framework/angular/
      - "API architecture": framework/
      - Asset Builder: framework/
      - Bootstrap Process: framework/
      - Cache Reference: framework/
      # Components: /framework/
      # Database: /framework/
      - Schema definition: framework/
      - Resources Reference: framework/
      - Region Reference: framework/
      - Upgrade Reference: framework/
      - Setting Reference: framework/
      # Other Reference:
      # CiviMail: /reference/
      # CiviReport: /reference/
      # Payment Processing: /reference/
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
      - APIv3 Intro: api/
      - APIv3 Usage: api/
      - APIv3 Actions: api/
      - APIv3 Parameters: api/
      # APIv3 Permissions: api/
      - APIv3 Joins: api/
      - APIv3 Chaining: api/
      - APIv3 Examples: api/
      - APIv3 Interfaces: api/
      # APIv3 Changes: api/
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
      - Using hooks: hooks/
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
      - All hooks: hooks/
        - Hooks with Symfony: hooks/setup/
        - Hooks with Joomla: hooks/setup/
        - Hooks with Drupal: hooks/setup/
        - Hooks with Wordpress: hooks/setup/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
      - Batch hooks:
        - hook_civicrm_batchItems: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_batchQuery: hooks/
      - Case hooks:
        - hook_civicrm_caseChange: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_caseTypes: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_post_case_merge: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_pre_case_merge: hooks/
      - Database hooks:
        - hook_civicrm_copy: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_custom: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_managed: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_merge: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_post: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_postSave_table_name: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_pre: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_triggerInfo: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_referenceCounts: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
      - Entity hooks:
        - hook_civicrm_entityTypes: hooks/
      - Extension lifecycle hooks:
        - hook_civicrm_disable: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_enable: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_install: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_postInstall: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_uninstall: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_upgrade: hooks/
      - Form hooks:
        - hook_civicrm_alterContent: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_alterTemplateFile: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_buildForm: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_idsException: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_postProcess: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_preProcess: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_validateForm: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_alterMenu: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_buildAmount: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_caseSummary: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_contact_get_displayname: hooks/
        - <del>hook_civicrm_customFieldOptions</del>: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_dashboard: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_dashboard_defaults: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_fieldOptions: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_links: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_navigationMenu: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_pageRun: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_searchColumns: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_searchTasks: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_summary: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_summaryActions: hooks/
        - <del>hook_civicrm_tabs</del>: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_tabset: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_xmlMenu: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_alterMailContent: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_alterMailer: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_alterMailParams: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_emailProcessor: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_emailProcessorContact: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_mailingGroups: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_postEmailSend: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_postMailing: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_unsubscribeGroups: hooks/
      - Permission hooks:
        - hook_civicrm_aclGroup: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_aclWhereClause: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_alterAPIPermissions: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_permission: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_permission_check: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_selectWhereClause: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
      - Profile hooks:
        - hook_civicrm_buildProfile: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_buildUFGroupsForModule: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_processProfile: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_searchProfile: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_validateProfile: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_viewProfile: hooks/
      - Report hooks:
        - hook_civicrm_alterReportVar: hooks/
      - SMS hooks:
        - hook_civicrm_inboundSMS: hooks/
      - Uncategorized hooks:
        - hook_civicrm_alterBadge: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_alterBarcode: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_alterCalculatedMembershipStatus: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_alterLogTables: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_alterMailingLabelParams: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_alterPaymentProcessorParams: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_alterSettingsFolders: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_alterSettingsMetaData: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_angularModules: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_apiWrappers: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_buildAsset: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_buildStateProvinceForCountry: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_check: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_config: hooks/
        - <del>hook_civicrm_contactListQuery</del>: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_container: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_coreResourceList: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_cron: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_crudLink: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_dupeQuery: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_eventDiscount: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_export: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_fileSearches: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_geocoderFormat: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_import: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_membershipTypeValues: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_notePrivacy: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - <del>hook_civicrm_optionValues</del>: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_queryObjects: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_recent: hooks/
    Andie Hunt's avatar
    Andie Hunt committed
        - hook_civicrm_tokens: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_tokenValues: hooks/
        - hook_civicrm_unhandledException: hooks/
    - Coding Standards:
      - Coding Standards: standards/
      - PHP Standards: standards/
      - SQL Standards: standards/
      - Javascript Reference: standards/
      # API: standards/
      # Git: standards/
    - Documentation:
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
      - Writing Documentation: documentation/
      - Documenting Extensions: documentation/
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
      - Markdown: documentation/
      - Style Guide: documentation/
      - attr_list
      - admonition
      - def_list
      - toc:
          permalink: true
      - pymdownx.highlight:
          guess_lang: true
            - name: php
              lang: php
                startinline: true
      - pymdownx.superfences:
          css_class: codehilite
      - pymdownx.inlinehilite:
          css_class: codehilite
      - pymdownx.tilde
      - pymdownx.betterem
      - pymdownx.mark