All the APIv3 Examples are generated through Tests in the CodeBase and are autogeneted from those tests so we can be certain of the code that is given.
## Location of Examples
The most current examples can be found in CiviCRM's Github Repo on the [Master Branch]( In the Github Repo can you also find examples that relate to the LTS version as well in the [4.6 Branch]( When you install CiviCRM the Examples that come with the perticular version of CiviCRM you have installed can be found in `<civicrm_root>/api/v3/examples`. You will also be able to view them through the [API Explorer](/api/index#api-explorer) by clicking on the Examples tab in th Explorer.
## Creating a New Example
If you find that there is an API call or similar or perhaps a parmater for an API call that you feel is missing an example for that would be useful to the community, you can create a new example in the following way:
1. Find the relevant API test file e.g. `tests/phpunit/api/v3/MembershipTest.php`
2. Write your unit test with the API call that you want to create an Example of, however rather than using `$this->callAPISuccess` use `$this->callAPIAndDocument`. The Call API and Document function should be called similar to the following
$description="This demonstrates setting a custom field through the API.";