[Buildkit]( is a collection of ~20 tools for developing and testing CiviCRM, the most important of which is [civibuild](/tools/
Many of these tools are commonly used by web developers, so you may have already installed a few. Even so, it's generally easier to install the full collection — installing each individually takes a lot of work.
This is the same collection of tools which manages the test/demo/release infrastructure for
## Installation
### Ubuntu
If you have a new installation of Ubuntu 12.04 or later, then you can download everything -- buildkit and the system requirements -- with one command. This command will install buildkit to `~/buildkit`:
curl -Ls | bash -s -- --full --dir ~/buildkit
* When executing the above command, you should *not* run as `root`, as it *will* cause failures. However, you *should* have `sudo` permissions.
* The `--full` option is *very opinionated*; it specifically installs `php`, `apache`, and `mysql` (rather than `hhvm`, `nginx`, `lighttpd`, or `percona`). If you try to mix `--full` with alternative systems, then expect conflicts.
* If you use the Ubuntu feature for "encrypted home directories", then don't put buildkit in `~/buildkit`. Consider `/opt/buildkit`, `/srv/buildkit`, or some other location that remains available during reboot.
After running the above command, then proceed to the [post-installation configuration](#config).
### Vagrant
[Full Download: Vagrantbox]( - Download a prepared virtual-machine with all system dependencies (mysql, etc). This is ideal if you work on Windows or OS X.
### Docker
If you have [Docker]( running, you can use one of the following projects to run buildkit within a Docker container:
* <>
* <>
### Other platforms
You may install buildkit in other environments. The main pre-requisites are:
* Linux or OS X
* Git
* PHP 5.3+ (Extensions: `bcmath curl gd gettext imap intl imagick json mbstring mcrypt openssl pdo_mysql phar posix soap zip`)
* NodeJS (v5 recommended)
* Recommended (_for [amp]( and [civibuild](/tools/
* Apache 2.2 or 2.4 (Modules: `mod_rewrite`. On SUSE, possibly `mod_access_compat`. This list may not be exhaustive.)
* MySQL 5.1+ (client and server)
All pre-requisites must support command-line access using the standard command names (`git`, `php`, `node`, `mysql`, `mysqldump`, etc). In some environments, you may need to enable these commands by configuring `PATH` -- this is especially true for MAMP, XAMPP, and other downloaded packages. (See, e.g., [Setup Command-Line PHP](/standards/
Once the pre-requisites are met, download buildkit to `~/buildkit`:
$ git clone ~/buildkit
$ cd ~/buildkit
$ ./bin/civi-download-tools
### Configuring your path {:#path}
!!! note "Not needed for Vagrant/Docker installations"
If you set up buildkit using Vagrant or Docker, then you don't need to perform the configuration steps listed here.
Buildkit includes many CLI commands in the `bin/` folder.
You may execute the commands directly (e.g. `./bin/civix` or `/path/to/buildkit/bin/civix`). However, this would become very cumbersome. Instead, you should configure the shell's `PATH` to recognize these commands automatically.
!!! tip
Throughout this document, we will provide examples which assume that buildkit was downloaded to `/path/to/buildkit`. Be sure to adjust the examples to match your system.
If you want to ensure that the buildkit CLI tools are always available, then:
1. Determine the location of your shell configuration file. This is usually `~/.bashrc`, `~/.bash_profile`, or `~/.profile`.
1. At the end of the file, add `export PATH="/path/to/buildkit/bin:$PATH"`.
1. Close and reopen the terminal.
1. Enter the command `which civibuild`. This should display a full-path. If nothing appears, then retry the steps.
Buildkit includes specific versions of some fairly popular tools (such as `drush`, `phpunit`, and `wp-cli`), and it's possible that you have already installed other versions of these tools.
By design, buildkit can coexist with other tools, but you must manually manage the `PATH`.
Whenever you wish to use buildkit, manually run a command like, e.g.:
export PATH=/path/to/buildkit/bin:$PATH
To restore your normal `PATH`, simply close the terminal and open a new one.
Each time you open a new terminal while working on Civi development, you would need to re-run the `export` command.
### Configuring `amp` {:#amp-config}
Buildkit provides a tool called `amp` which [civibuild](/tools/ uses when it needs to set up a new site. Before you can use `civibuild`, need to configure `amp` by telling it a bit about your system (e.g. what webserver you're using).
!!! tip "tips"
* Run this as a non-`root` user who has `sudo` permission. This will ensure that new files are owned by a regular user, and (if necessary) it enables `civibuild` to restart your webserver and edit `/etc/hosts`.
* Pay close attention to any instructions given in the output of this command.
* To check which version of apache you have, run `apachectl -v`.
!!! caution
We strongly recommend using Apache as your webserver because support for nginx is limited.
1. Identify the location of your `amp` installation. It is probably a `.amp` folder within your home directory. Make sure to *use the full path* to this directory in the settings below. We will use `<amp-installation>` henceforth to refer to the full path of this directory.
1. Go to your webserver's system-wide configuration files. For Apache, this is usually `/etc/apache2`, but on some systems it might be `/etc/httpd/` or similar. (Check this [blog]( for more info on finding your Apache configuration.)
1. Inside this directory, create a new directory called `conf.d`, if not already present.
1. Inside the `conf.d` directory, create an empty file called `buildkit.conf`. We will put some settings in this file in a minute.
* For example, this file will be `/etc/apache2/conf.d/buildkit.conf` in most situations, but its location may be different for you depending on the above steps.
1. Identify your webserver version. (If using Apache, use `apachectl -v` to see which version you have.)
1. Put the following content in your `buildkit.conf` file (created above).
* For Apache 2.2, use this content:
Include <amp-installation>/apache.d/*conf
Seamus Lee
IncludeOptional <amp-installation>/apache.d/*conf
1. Test amp's configuration
$ amp test
The test is successful if you see `Received expected response` at the end.
If the test produces any errors, you might try re-running the above config steps and/or asking for help in the [developer chat room](
1. After `amp` is configured, you can move on to running [civibuild](/tools/ to build a local development installation of CiviCRM.
## Troubleshooting {:#troubleshooting}
Seamus Lee
### Node JS issues
: Download the latest version from and follow their instructions
Nodejs problems
: It might be handy to run
npm update
npm install fs-extra
Seamus Lee
### Website login issues
Seamus Lee
If you find that when you try and login to a new buildkit build or similar and it doesn't seem to login just redirects to the same page. This may mean that the rewrite module for apache is not enabled. To enable it do the following
sudo a2enmod rewrite
Seamus Lee
After enabling the rewite module you will need to restart apache.
New versions of buildkit are likely to include new versions of tools. The new tools will download automatically when you first run `civibuild`. If you prefer to download explicitly, then re-run `civi-download-tools`.
The configurations and tools in buildkit are periodically updated. To get the latest, simply run:
cd ~/buildkit
git pull
See the [buildkit changelog]( for info about specific changes to buildkit.