@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ Buildkit provides a tool called `amp` which [civibuild](/tools/civibuild.md) use
## Troubleshooting {:#troubleshooting}
### Node JS issues
Nodejs version too old or npm update does not work:
: Download the latest version from nodejs.org and follow their instructions
@@ -178,13 +179,16 @@ Nodejs problems
npm install fs-extra
### Website login issues
If you find that when you try and login to a new buildkit build or similar and it doesn't seem to login just redirects to the same page. This may mean that the rewrite module for apache is not enabled. To enable it do the following
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo service apache2 or apache or httpd restart
After enabling the rewite module you will need to restart apache.
## Upgrading buildkit {:#upgrading}
New versions of buildkit are likely to include new versions of tools. The new tools will download automatically when you first run `civibuild`. If you prefer to download explicitly, then re-run `civi-download-tools`.