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  • # Webhook Queue
    Payment processors can generate a lot of webhooks. They can arrive simultaneously and out of order.
    This extension provides a webhook queueing and scheduled execution using the `PaymentprocessorWebhook` entity.
    To use this functionality you must add support to your Payment Processor.
    ## PaymentprocessorWebhook
    The table `civicrm_paymentprocessor_webhook` records each incoming webhook along with information required to process it and a status.
    #### Processing status
    * \<empty\>: The webhook has been received but not yet processed.
    * error: The webhook has been processed but there was an error.
    * success: The webhook has been processed successfully.
    * processing: The webhook is currently being processed by the API3 `Job.process_paymentprocessor_webhooks` (scheduled job).
    ### Querying the webhook table
    Use the API4 `PaymentprocessorWebhook` entity.
    ### Implementing in your payment processor
    Currently it is only implemented for Stripe and `civicrm_api3_job_process_paymentprocessor_webhooks` function
    would need to be modified to call the appropriate API method for that processor instead of `Stripe.Ipn`. The
    intention is to support `Ipn` API for any supported processor.
    This is the paymentprocessor function that receives the webhook:
      public function handlePaymentNotification() {
        $rawData = file_get_contents("php://input");
        $ipnClass = new CRM_Core_Payment_StripeIPN($rawData);
        if ($ipnClass->onReceiveWebhook()) {
    This is the paymentprocessor function that is used to manually process a webhook and is called from API3 `Stripe.Ipn`:
      public static function processPaymentNotification($paymentProcessorID, $rawData, $verifyRequest = TRUE, $emailReceipt = NULL) {
        $_GET['processor_id'] = $paymentProcessorID;
        $ipnClass = new CRM_Core_Payment_StripeIPN($rawData, $verifyRequest);
        if (isset($emailReceipt)) {
        return $ipnClass->processWebhook();
    In your IPN code instead of using a `main()` method create two functions:
    * `onReceiveWebhook()`: Triggered whenever a webhook is received. Use this to record the webhook.
    * `processWebhook()`: This is the method that actually processes the webhook and may be called immediately or via the scheduled job.
       * Get a unique identifier string based on webhook data.
       * @return string
      private function getWebhookUniqueIdentifier() {
        return "{$this->charge_id}:{$this->invoice_id}:{$this->subscription_id}";
       * When CiviCRM receives a Stripe webhook call this method (via handlePaymentNotification()).
       * This checks the webhook and either queues or triggers processing (depending on existing webhooks in queue)
       * @return bool
       * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
       * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
       * @throws \Stripe\Exception\UnknownApiErrorException
      public function onReceiveWebhook() {
        if (!in_array($this->eventType, CRM_Stripe_Webhook::getDefaultEnabledEvents())) {
          // We don't handle this event, return 200 OK so Stripe does not retry.
          return TRUE;
        $uniqueIdentifier = $this->getWebhookUniqueIdentifier();
        // Get all received webhooks with matching identifier which have not been processed
        // This returns all webhooks that match the uniqueIdentifier above and have not been processed.
        // For example this would match both invoice.finalized and invoice.payment_succeeded events which must be
        // processed sequentially and not simultaneously.
        $paymentProcessorWebhooks = \Civi\Api4\PaymentprocessorWebhook::get()
          ->setCheckPermissions(FALSE) // Replace with ::update(FALSE) when minversion = 5.29
          ->addWhere('payment_processor_id', '=', $this->_paymentProcessor->getID())
          ->addWhere('identifier', '=', $uniqueIdentifier)
          ->addWhere('processed_date', 'IS NULL')
        $processWebhook = FALSE;
        if (empty($paymentProcessorWebhooks->rowCount)) {
          // We have not received this webhook before. Record and process it.
          $processWebhook = TRUE;
        else {
          // We have one or more webhooks with matching identifier
          /** @var \CRM_Mjwshared_BAO_PaymentprocessorWebhook $paymentProcessorWebhook */
          foreach ($paymentProcessorWebhooks as $paymentProcessorWebhook) {
            // Does the eventType match our webhook?
            if ($paymentProcessorWebhook->trigger === $this->eventType) {
              // Yes, We have already recorded this webhook and it is awaiting processing.
              // Exit
              return TRUE;
          // We have recorded another webhook with matching identifier but different eventType.
          // There is already a recorded webhook with matching identifier that has not yet been processed.
          // So we will record this webhook but will not process now (it will be processed later by the scheduled job).
          ->setCheckPermissions(FALSE) // Replace with ::update(FALSE) when minversion = 5.29
          ->addValue('payment_processor_id', $this->_paymentProcessor->getID())
          ->addValue('trigger', $this->eventType)
          ->addValue('identifier', $uniqueIdentifier)
          ->addValue('event_id', $this->event_id)
        if (!$processWebhook) {
          return TRUE;
        return $this->processWebhook();
       * Process the given webhook
       * @return bool
       * @throws \API_Exception
       * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException
      public function processWebhook() {
        try {
          $success = $this->processEventType();
        catch (Exception $e) {
          $success = FALSE;
          \Civi::log()->error('StripeIPN: processWebhook failed. ' . $e->getMessage());
        $uniqueIdentifier = $this->getWebhookUniqueIdentifier();
        // Record that we have processed this webhook (success or error)
        // If for some reason we ended up with multiple webhooks with the same identifier and same eventType this would
        // update all of them as "processed". That is ok because we don't need to process the "same" webhook multiple
        // times. Even if they have different event IDs but the same identifier/eventType.
          ->setCheckPermissions(FALSE) // Replace with ::update(FALSE) when minversion = 5.29
          ->addWhere('identifier', '=', $uniqueIdentifier)
          ->addWhere('trigger', '=', $this->eventType)
          ->addValue('status', $success ? 'success' : 'error')
          ->addValue('processed_date', 'now')
        return $success;