// We are likely to get in this situation if (1) a site originally installed with an early
// Civi-D8 tutorial/template using RE/CCP and (2) later upgraded to Civi 5.31+ which bundles C/CAP.
$this->io->write("<warning>WARNING</warning>: <comment>civicrm/civicrm-asset-plugin</comment> skipped due to conflict with <comment>roundearth/civicrm-composer-plugin</comment>.");
$this->io->write("Both plugins are installed. They overlap insofar as both publish assets ".
"for CiviCRM-D8, but they are not interoperable. To ensure consistency, ".
"<comment>civicrm/civicrm-asset-plugin</comment> will defer to ".
"<comment>roundearth/civicrm-composer-plugin</comment>. If you prefer to migrate, see: ".