@@ -18,3 +18,24 @@ This will be empty if you just installed the extension.

## New Form Processor - define form processor
On this page you can click on the **New Form Processor** button to create a new form processor. If you do this you will see a form like the one below:

On the top of the form you can see that there are **two** tabs:
1. the *Define form processor* tab, which you will see if you start.
On this tab you specify generic information about your form, the inputs on your form (with defaults values and/or validation if you want to) and what should happen in CiviCRM with the data from the form once it has been submitted.
1. the *Retrieval of defaults* tab. On this tab you can specify what defaults should be loaded in your form. We will discuss this in the next section.
In this section we will deal with the *define form processor* tab.
## New Form Processor - retrieval of defaults
If you click on the *Retrieval of defaults* tab in the **New Form Processor** form you will get a form like this:
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ The **Form Processor** extension has initially been developed with CiviCRM 4.7.4
!!! Note
If you want the **Form Processor** updated to a newer version you can do so. Alternatively, if you want us to do it and have some funding, contact Jaap Jansma (<jaap.jansma@civicoop.org>) or Erik Hommel(<erik.hommel@civicoop.org>). You can also find them on the [CiviCRM Mattermost Channel][mattermost] using the handles **jaapjansma** or **ehommel**.
## Screen prints
In this guide you will find a number of screenshots. These were all taken from an installation with the [Shoreditch extension][shoreditch].
@@ -47,4 +51,4 @@ The **Form Processor** extension has initially been developed with CiviCRM 4.7.4