Forked from
Extensions / form-processor
639 commits behind the upstream repository.
jensschuppe authoredjensschuppe authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags. 2.35 KiB
Version 1.7 (not yet released)
- fixed notice in FormProcessor->invokeFormProcessor
- Fixed #9 Error in the default value
- Fixed #11 Errors in DateType validation
- Added try out functionality.
- Added Min/Max validators.
- Now passing input type to input validators.
- Added Date validator.
Version 1.6
- Updated user interface for better usability.
- Added validation for minimum length.
- Added title column to default data retrieval criteria.
- Added URL in the File Type. So that we can use a URL instead of the file contents.
- API import/export/update via files
- Fixed bug #8
Version 1.5.1
- Fixed regression with caching of options of a form processor field.
Version 1.5
- Fixed issues with caching and the options of a form processor field.
Version 1.4
Requires action-provider version 1.9 or newer!
- Added State/Province/County type
- Added County ISO Code type
- Added a Financial Type type
- Added a Membership Type type
- Changed campaign type so that you can chose whether you want to use the ID field or the name field as the value.
- Improved performance by adding caching
- Added a Custom Option List type
- Added a specification collection on input configuration.
- Changed Mailing Group Type and added an option for multiple.
Version 1.3
- Implemented the help text of an action on the edit action screen.
- Changed the implementation of the civicrm_container hook.
- Added a File type for handling the upload of files.
- Fix for converting Title into Name.
- Fixed issue with updating status with overridden.
- Added getoptions to the FormProcessor and FormProcessorDefaults API.
- Added a type with a list of weekdays
- Added field type for time
- Added field type for formatted decimal numbers
- Added field type for Yes/No values as an option list
Version 1.2
- Implemented the refactored action provider
- Removed the action provider for default data actions, all actions are now available at the default data.
- Added a Campaign Type
- Fixed bug with checking if input/action name already exists
Importanted notices when you are updating
- You have also to update the action provider extension
- When you have a Create/Update Group action in your form processor you have to check that form processor because this action has been renamed in the action provider extension.