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Social Media


Media is currently managed through Buffer, with 4 of 6 accounts in use:

Using Buffer & Accounts

Looking to promote an event or help with ongoing promotion of CiviCRM? Access to Buffer can be provided by emailing us

CiviCRM uses social media to promote its software and its community. All publishings should be focused on promoting CiviCRM and celebrating its awesome community! Posts that promote a specific provider, product or service are discouraged.

When posting through CiviCRM's accounts, you agree to abide by CiviCRM's code of conduct, terms of use and community guidelines, and adhere to CiviCRM's trademark/brand standards. We encourage you to review CiviCRM's ongoing branding efforts as well.

Content Calendar

Social Media Schedule


Instagram Do's and Don't


  • Use #CiviCRM on each post

  • Post 2-3 posts per event/day

  • Use stories and include location and #CiviCRM

  • Get creative!


  • Be offensive

  • Like or comment on non community spirited / CiviCRM related posts

Useful hashtags

  • #CiviCRM
  • #CiviCamp (ideally don't use #CiviCampLocation but rather #CiviCamp #Location)
  • #techforgood (some also use #tech4good but it seems to be used slightly less)
  • #nonprofitCRM
  • #opensource, #opensourceCRM