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Community Summit 2019

Community Summit 2019

Global Community Summit

The Global Community Summit is intended to be an event for all the Community including Partners, Implementers, Developers and End Users where we can share, learn and contribute to CiviCRM. This event follows the spirit of 2018 Governance Summit opening more subjects and areas of discussion of the Project. After the Summit a 4/5 days Sprint will be followed.




  • Where: Barcelona, Spain
  • When: October 4 - 10, 2019
  • Format: 2 day summit followed by a 5-day sprint
  • Location: Can Ramonet, Sant Pere de Ribes. Can Ramonet is a 16th-century farmhouse, located in the Garraf Natural Park, formed by 5 houses and with more than one hectare of vineyards dedicated to visitors. More info:

Tentative Agenda / Structure for the Global Community Summit

While the issues list is being populated this is the proposed schedule:

  • Thursday Oct. 3rd: Arrivals & reception dinner
  • Friday 4th. & Saturday 5th.: Community Summit with daily presentations, morning meeting and afternoon summary
  • Sunday 6th.: Community Day & Sprint Kick Off
  • Monday 7th. to Thursday 10th.: Sprint


Sponsorships opportunities described here