@@ -18,11 +18,30 @@ To download CiviCRM on a Drupal 8 site we'll need to ask [Composer](https://www.
It is **strongly** recommended that you provide a version when requiring these libraries, as such our example command below will include, as an example, the version `5.27.1`. Note that installing ESR versions onto CiviCRM has not been tested at this time and as such no instructions for doing so are provided.
Failure to provide a version will most likely result in you installing the `dev-master` version which is bleeding-edge code and may result in an unstable site/setup!
!!! tip "Composer running out of memory?"
You may need to [increase composer's memory limit](https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/troubleshooting.md#memory-limit-errors) in order to avoid out of memory errors.
Best practice is to use `composer require` locally or in dev/test and then deploy your `composer.lock` to staging and use `composer install` which requires less memory and implements the changes you've tested and committed to your repo!
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To require the CiviCRM libraries on a Drupal 8 site you can use the following one-line command:
You should always run `composer` commands from the top-level folder above the web and vendor folders, where in the same place as your `composer.json` file.
You can also install CiviCRM by running these commands separately, this is what that looks like, along with a brief explanation of what each step is doing:
1. Require the CiviCRM composer asset plugin which helps build a predictable structure for your CiviCRM codebase: `composer require civicrm/civicrm-asset-plugin:'~1.0.0'`
1. Require the CiviCRM core code: `composer require civicrm/civicrm-core:'~5.27,2'`
1. Require the CiviCRM third-party packages library: `composer require civicrm/civicrm-packages:'~5.27.2'`