@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ All CiviCRM code and packages used by CiviCRM (such as PEAR libraries) are inclu
@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ All CiviCRM code and packages used by CiviCRM (such as PEAR libraries) are inclu
* Copy or ftp the zip file to your WordPress installation's `/wp-content/plugins` directory. You may have to change the "File Permissions" setting of `/wp-content/plugins/civicrm` directory to allow for "Write" Access. Just remember to change it back to default when done.
* Copy or ftp the zip file to your WordPress installation's `/wp-content/plugins` directory. You may have to change the "File Permissions" setting of `/wp-content/plugins/civicrm` directory to allow for "Write" Access. Just remember to change it back to default when done.
* You can upload the zip file that was downloaded via your WordPress admin panel at `wp-admin/plugin-install.php`
* You can upload the zip file that was downloaded via your WordPress admin panel at `wp-admin/plugin-install.php`
* Create directory for temporary and uploaded files.
* For the latest CiviCRM, create the `<wordpress path>/wp-content/uploads/` directory and ensure it is writable.
* For CiviCRM versions 4.6 and prior, create the `<wordpress path>/wp-content/plugins/files/` directory and ensure it is writable.
!!! information "Downloading Directly to Your Server with wget"
!!! information "Downloading Directly to Your Server with wget"
If you have command-line access, you may prefer to download the zip file directly to your server using wget:
If you have command-line access, you may prefer to download the zip file directly to your server using wget: