@@ -10,37 +10,6 @@ This guide covers standard installation of CiviCRM for production use. For insta
!!! warning "Composer install required!"
This guide will assume that you have installed Drupal 8 using composer. At this time manual installation of Drupal 8 using zip or tarball install methods is not supported.
You will need to know the database settings for your Drupal installation prior to running the CiviCRM installer: You can look up these values in your Drupal `settings.php` file (located by default in your `<drupal_root>/sites/default directory`) be looking for the following code:
In the above example:
| Setting | Value |
| ---------------------- | ---------- |
| Database Server | localhost |
| Drupal Database Name | drupal |
| Database User Name | dbuser |
| Database User Password | dbpassword |
## Tell Drupal 8 where to find the CiviCRM Module {:#directory}
To download CiviCRM on a Drupal 8 site we'll need to ask [Composer](https://www.getcomposer.org) to `require` the CiviCRM libraries. We do this by requiring the `civicrm-core`, `civicrm-drupal-8`, `civicrm-packages` and `civicrm-asset-plugin` libraries.