- Apr 04, 2013
Dave Greenberg authored
Remember payment processor during form reload, fix notices CRM-12149
colemanw authored
Dave Greenberg authored
These changes fixed the default setting issue and erroneous form rule invocation.
- Apr 03, 2013
colemanw authored
colemanw authored
Kurund Jalmi authored
colemanw authored
yashodha authored
Kurund Jalmi authored
colemanw authored
lobo authored
CRM-12268 Also fixing minor layout problem for price set calculated tota...
Dave Greenberg authored
CRM-12268 Also fixing minor layout problem for price set calculated totals on public pages, and add missing space in Membership form status msg. ---------------------------------------- * CRM-12268: Completing a pay-later ignores the membership number of terms http://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-12268
Dave Greenberg authored
check number of terms when updating member payment status
Kurund Jalmi authored
lobo authored
-- added form rule for CRM-12233
Kurund Jalmi authored
worked on CRM-12238, do not set localized defaults for country, state and county for advanced search
Kurund Jalmi authored
Kurund Jalmi authored
Kurund Jalmi authored
yashodha authored
Kurund Jalmi authored
CRM-12217 fix : the sixth parameter for getFieldsForImport function was ...
pratik.joshi authored
Deepak Srivastava authored
Pradeep Nayak authored
Pradeep Nayak authored
Kurund Jalmi authored
Fix changing case status in dashboard CRM-12202
Kurund Jalmi authored
Kurund Jalmi authored
ts() usage fixes.
bgm authored
- Apr 02, 2013
colemanw authored
bgm authored
ts() usage fixes. c.f. http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC43/Internationalisation+for+Developers
colemanw authored
fix php5 notices, strict warnings and code formatting
colemanw authored
webtest code improvement and cleanup
lobo authored
Tim Otten authored
CRM-12233 Label for newly create quick config price fields for membershi...
Dave Greenberg authored
CRM-12233 Label for newly create quick config price fields for membership block should be Membership, not Membership Amount. Leaving the price_field.name as membership_amount since that's clearer as a machine name. ---------------------------------------- * CRM-12233: Online membership signup - contribution amounts field should not be required + various notices http://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-12233
Andie Hunt authored
colemanw authored
Fixes auto-increment in OptionValue BAO (CRM-12133)
colemanw authored
-- webtest fix(type was not writing anything inside tinymce as it does n...