Batch names are now being stored in database with underscore replacing spaces and punctuation, e.g. "GiftAid_Batch_40_2020_11_20"; prior to 3.4.4 it appears that the batchTitle (no underscores) was stored.
Hi @TomCrawshaw This seems to be working ok on sites that I have access to.
Are you talking about the "Find Contributions" search? As that gives me a select2 with dropdown of all the batch "titles" and when selected a batch is found.
The change was required because there were issues saving the batch titles because of length and database constraints but it should not be causing any issues
The Gift Aid report finds records correctly (it is searching for the batch id number, e.g. "40") but other searches do not. I'll attach snapshots of the report, a Search Builder form and Find Contributions..
@TomCrawshaw@tapash Have now tested and confirmed that this does seem to have broken core CiviCRM searches. The reason for the change was to ensure that we always have a unique name, id and that we don't have any special characters.
The GiftAid batch name is stored internally as an optiongroup giftaid_batch_name. You should be able to use the "Option Label" display option in the dataprocessor extension. I don't know why it is not working with internal CiviCRM searches as they seem to be loading the label fine for the actual search parameters but then not mapping to name for the actual search.
Please let me know if you are able to fund an investigation/fix?
@mattwire Thanks for confirming, and I understand the motivation for the change. Certainly I can display the batch name in DP extension searches, but not search (filter) using the Option Label, as this is not an option.
The only way I could find to search for both old and new style records was using the API4 explorer like this, using an OR to look for both styles, but I'm not about to start tweaking core!
@tapash@TomCrawshaw I just pushed a partial fix (to select the batches by label in the search). But I think we need to look into switching the optiongroup back to having the name in the "value" field to make this work. Please let me know if you are able to fund (hopefully 2 hours) work.
Hi, I was having a similar issue with a client's CiviCRM installation, the contributions could not be searched by batch. I can confirm that the change in !26 (closed) fixes the problem for new batches.