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Better determine the province/state from the billing address

bgm requested to merge getPreferredStateProvince into master

by @shaneonabike, copied from our internal Gitlab:

The code before to determine the billing address wasn't working properly. Adds a helper function to better determine this information based on various scenarios.

  • See if we have a billing address
  • If not, check to see if we have an address that is checked off as billing

Steps to reproduce:

  • Set the taxcalculator to use Billing address
  • Create a Contact
  • Create a new primary address, and check off that it is the ```Billing address``
  • Create an address that is Billing from another province
  • Process a payment
  • Payment taxes will reflect the province of the Billing address
  • In another test you could modify that address during the contribution and change the state to something else
  • Ensure that the address is changed in the contact for the Billing addresss
  • Ensure that the total taxes are correct

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