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Only issue status warning if webhook API is OLDER than required


status page gives Warning level errors like "you've got 2020-01-01 but we need 2019-12-01"


status page gives no warnings, as long as the webhook API is at least the required version.


  • The status message is alarming and unhelpful in the case that we're more up to date than the extension's required min api version.
  • Users can only choose an up to date version of the API from within stripe's site, so we cannot satisfy the Stripe extension as it is before this PR.


It is possible that an upgraded stripe API version no longer works - is too far ahead of - the stripe extension. e.g. if stripe introduce some backwards incompatible functionality.

To my mind the only sensible way around this would be to have the checking code fetch the API range that a particular version of the extension works with from a known and maintained URL. That way, if Stripe do introduce a change that means version X of the extension won't work any more, we can update that resource and existing sites will flag up the need to upgrade the stripe extension.

This is just an idea and not included in this PR.

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