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Include line items tax amount in total computation

This pull request (PR) aims to resolve the following issues pertaining to the total_amount field on the contribution edit screen:

  1. The displayed line item total amount does not currently include line item tax amounts on the edit screen. Refer to the screenshot below: Screenshot_2023-06-13_at_11.38.39

With this PR, the line item total amount now includes the line item tax amounts Screenshot_2023-06-13_at_12.16.11

  1. In cases where the contribution's Financial type has associated tax, this tax amount is erroneously included in the calculation of the contribution line item total amount. Screenshot_2023-06-13_at_11.47.39

With this PR, the financial type at the contribution level has no effect on the line item total amount Screenshot_2023-06-13_at_12.14.34

  1. The total amount of the contribution is directly editable as previously reported here: #43,

With this PR, the contribution's total amount will be disabled if there is more than one line item associated with it.


Edited by olayiwola_compucorp

Merge request reports