Payment Method is null for recurring GoCardless payment
Created by: yorkshirerose
I've just been trying to set up a smart group (using Advanced Search) with the following criteria:
- Contribution Status = Completed
- Contribution Payment Method = "GoCardless Direct Debit" AND (under the Recurring payments fieldset)
- Recurring Payment Start Date = last 30 days
This causes errors ("DB error: unknown error") and then all smart groups appear to break.
If I use Receive Date = last 30 days instead of Recurring Payments = last 30 days, it's fine.
When I look through the error log, I did notice "Ignoring exception thrown by nullHandler: -1, DB Error: unknown error". I also noticed, when poking around, that the Payment Method for the transaction (not the contribution) is null, despite being a mandatory field (see screenshot).
Site is running WordPress 5.3.2 and CiviCRM 5.19.4 and GoCardless extension 1.8