SHOR-125: Styling GDPR extension
Created by: igorpavlov-zz
This PR styles the extension for Shoreditch theme.
Technical Details
Gulp & SASS
Gulp file was added for SASS compilation, minification etc + linters. We have 2 standard tasks here: sass
and watch
gulp.task('sass', () => {
return gulp.src('scss/shoreditch-only.scss')
outputStyle: 'compressed',
includePaths: civicrmScssRoot.getPath(), // to get Shoreditch vars
precision: 10
}).on('error', sass.logError)) // SASS compilation
.pipe(stripCssComments({ preserve: false })) // comments stripping
.pipe(cssmin()) // minification
.pipe(rename({ suffix: '.min' })) // renaming
.pipe(gulp.dest('css/')); // putting
// standard watcher
gulp.task('watch', () => {'scss/**/*.scss', gulp.series(['sass']));
So, as usual, npx gulp
or npx gulp sass
or npx gulp watch
are your tools for working with SASS in this extension.
Of course, this means new npm dependencies:
.page-civicrm-gdpr-settings {
// just using the mixin for the table
.crm-gdpr-settings-form-block {
@include block-form();
// help icons are either IDs or classes on this page...
.help {
margin-left: $crm-standard-gap;
margin-right: $crm-standard-gap;
.page-civicrm-gdpr-dashboard {
.crm-gdpr-dashboard-search-form-block {
// same, mixin
@include block-form();
padding-left: $crm-standard-gap !important;
padding-right: $crm-standard-gap !important;
.crm-gdpr-dashboard-activities-list-form-block {
table.selector {
@include table-selector();
// this selector may not be stable
// but there is no other way to select this particular table
// ℹ️this is fine, because we include the Shoreditch CSS file
// only at a specific page, please see below
table.selector#SummaryTable {
@include table-selector();
// this is adhoc and will be fixed globally soon
#GroupSubscriptionListTable_wrapper {
.dataTables_length {
padding-left: $crm-standard-gap;
padding-top: $crm-standard-gap / 2;
Conditional styling inclusion
We include the styling only if Shoreditch is enabled:
function isExtensionEnabled($key) {
$isEnabled = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue(
return !empty($isEnabled);
function includeShoreditchStylingIfEnabled () {
if (!isExtensionEnabled('org.civicrm.shoreditch')) return;
addStyleFile('', 'css/shoreditch-only.min.css', 10);
function gdpr_civicrm_pageRun( &$page ) {
function gdpr_civicrm_buildForm($formName, $form) {
The styling is isolated to specific IDs and classes, so only manual tests were performed.