Handle BreakException in Runner - do not interpret as error
This change allows a BreakException
to be thrown from actions which indicates execution should break without replacing error data into the output handler.
{"error_code":0,"entity":"FormProcessor","action":"individual_membership","is_error":1,"error_message":"Could not process actions: Error in action stop_if_no_donation: No Donation, OK to stop.(in .../action-provider/Civi/ActionProvider/Action/Generic/ThrowException.php:37)"}
Note is_error, and error_message despite being an expected loop exit. Output handler should include a Contact ID field, but does not.
With companion MR action-provider!184 (merged) that implements using BreakException
{"Contact ID":null}
Contact ID field is present, superfluous is_error and error_message are not.
Agileware ref CVAP-75.