Whenever I have an active rule on the trigger 'case is added' I can no longer add a case but get the message 'you have no permission to access this case'
I am doing this with condition 'case is of type' but I do not think that matters.
I am doing this with condition 'case is of type' but I do not think that matters.
added bug label
This error is caused by the contactId being empty at the time of the Case Added trigger (there is no civicrm_case_contact record yet at the time of the Case post hook).
Should in the long run be solved by issue #21 (closed). Temporary workaround: remove the Case Added trigger and add instruction to README to use the Case Activity is added trigger with activity type Open Case instead. That will also be triggered when a new case is added but by then all the required data will be available.
closed via commit 26b40b3e
mentioned in issue #195