CiviRules breaks "civicrm-wp-profile-sync" if wp-post created first --> no civi-contact are created
Hi there,
I've bumped into an issue that may well be caused by CiviRules, or at least the intertwining of CiviRules with a broader Civi uses.
The big picture
I do use (and intend to use more) CiviRules to automate various action related to my contacts
I do use civicrm-wp-profile-sync to sync wp-user with civi-contact and with a wp-custom-post-type.
Basically the idea is to map a Civi-Contact-Type to a Wordpress-CPT (and map the fields), then when a civi-contact is created, a linked wp-cpt is created as well, and the other way round ; and then the civi-contact- and wp-cpt are kept synced
the issue
basically what happens is that when civirules is enables (with or without rules set) the Civi-contact is not created on wp-cpt creation.
debug research
you can find more detail on the issue and how it end up being associated to civirules here
Any guidance would be really appreciated and do not hesitate if you have any question or want me to do some testing