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Issue #238 Membership Discount not applied.

bgm requested to merge github/fork/chamilwijesooriya/issue-238 into master

Created by: chamilwijesooriya


GitLab Issue #238


  1. Create a discount for membership
  2. Go to Membership > New Membership
  3. Select contact and set membership type to that used in 1.
  4. Note the amount under the Membership Payment and Receipt section
  5. Enter the discount code and Apply
  6. Note that membership type changes to eg "General (Includes applied discount code SummerSpecial: 25%)" but the Amount is unchanged

Observed on dmaster.demo (5.5.alpha1) and 5.2.1


Discount is applied and changed in Amount text field.

Technical Details

Unset submitted form value 'total_amount' in membershipTypeValues hook.

Merge request reports