Do not check test processor webhook
We configured a Payment_AuthNetEcheck
processor using this extension.
We were getting an System Warning for the API KEY being "unauthorized" for the test processor and only the test processor (10). The live payment processor (9) was/is working as expected and is not showing a system check.
The API Login ID, Transaction Key, Signature Key, Site URL and Recurring Payments URL settings are identical for paymentprocessor 9 and 10.
The proposed solution is to not bother checking the test processor API KEY.
Merge request reports
My understanding is with Authorize.Net you can run your account in "Test Mode" or "Live Mode" see screenshot of setting below:
When setting up the Payment Processor in CiviCRM I just filled out the "Processor Details for Live Payments" section but on save the "Processor Details for Test Payments" populates to be the same as the live section.
@alicefrumin That makes sense - I'll see what I can do!
@alicefrumin Fixed via c193819f
Leave the API Login ID (username) blank if you don't want the checks to run. This way it will work for any account you have setup but won't bother you with errors if you didn't setup the account.
Thanks @mattwire
mentioned in issue #17 (closed)