Using Accept.js "Unable to complete payment! Missing dataDescriptor."
Unable to complete payment! Missing dataDescriptor.
Using Accept.js on a onetime donation on a wordpress site
[debug] dataDescriptor not found. $params: Civi\Payment\PropertyBag Object
[props:protected] => Array
[default] => Array
[qfKey] => CRMContributeControllerContribution1m2xfmtttgn48swkwgg8o440os04wkwcogkk0s4cw8gg8gkggc_4649
[entryURL] => https://[redacted].com/civicrm/contribute/transact/?reset=1&id=1
[hidden_processor] => 1
[billing_first_name] => Jose
[billing_last_name] => Torres
[billingStreetAddress] => [redacted]
[billingCity] => [redacted]
[billing_state_province_id-5] => [redacted]
[billingPostalCode] => [redacted]
[billing_country_id-5] => [redacted]
[email] => j[redacted]
[payment_processor_id] => 1
[priceSetId] => 4
[price_3] => 0
[price_4] => 1
[recurFrequencyUnit] => month
[recurFrequencyInterval] => 1
[MAX_FILE_SIZE] => 268435456
[ip_address] => [redacted]
[amount] => 1
[currency] => USD
[is_pay_later] => 0
[invoiceID] => a00320ad2aa6216eebfe1c1765a2f636
[is_quick_config] => 1
[description] => Donate
[address_name-5] => Jose Torres
[billingStateProvince] => CA
[billing_country-5] => US
[country-5] => US
[country] => US
[location_type_id] => 5
[is_billing] => 1
[address_name] => JoseTorres
[state_province_id] => 1004
[country_id] => 1228
[firstName] => Jose
[preserveDBName] => 1
[lastName] => Torres
[skipLineItem] => 0
[line_item] => Array
[4] => Array
[9] => Array
[price_field_id] => 4
[price_field_value_id] => 9
[label] => Other Amount
[field_title] => Other Amount
[description] =>
[qty] => 1
[unit_price] => 1
[line_total] => 1
[participant_count] => 0
[max_value] =>
[membership_type_id] =>
[membership_num_terms] =>
[auto_renew] =>
[html_type] => Text
[financial_type_id] => 1
[tax_amount] => 0
[non_deductible_amount] => 0.00
[financialTypeID] => 1
[financial_type_id] => 1
[contributionType_name] => Donation
[financialType_name] => Donation
[contributionType_accounting_code] => 4200
[financialType_accounting_code] => 4200
[contributionPageID] => 1
[contactID] => 2
[payment_instrument_id] => 1
[item_name] => Online Contribution: Donate to SDIOC
[contributionID] => 104
[isRecur] =>
[error_url] => /civicrm/contribute/transact//?reset=1&id=1&_qf_Main_display=1&qfKey=CRMContributeControllerContribution1m2xfmtttgn48swkwgg8o440os04wkwcogkk0s4cw8gg8gkggc_4649
[dataDescriptor] =>
[suppressLegacyWarnings:protected] => 1
[lastWarning] =>
Edited by josetorres