use CRM_Archivemailing_ExtensionUtil as E;
class CRM_Archivemailing_BAO_MailingArchiveStat extends CRM_Archivemailing_DAO_MailingArchiveStat {
* Create a new MailingArchiveStat based on array-data
* @param array $params key-value pairs
* @return CRM_Archivemailing_DAO_MailingArchiveStat|NULL
public static function create($params) {
$className = 'CRM_Archivemailing_DAO_MailingArchiveStat';
$entityName = 'MailingArchiveStat';
$hook = empty($params['id']) ? 'create' : 'edit';
if (empty($params['mailing_id'])) {
throw new Exception('Missing required param: mailing_id');
$mailing_id = $params['mailing_id'];
// I guess we could feed create() with the stats, but otherwise we will fetch them
if (count($params) == 1) {
$is_archived = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('SELECT is_archived FROM civicrm_mailing WHERE id = %1', [
1 => [$mailing_id, 'Positive'],
if ($is_archived && empty($report['event_totals']['delivered'])) {
Civi::log()->info("archivemailing: mailing $mailing_id is already archived and stats seem empty, skipping stats archival");
else {
$report = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::report($mailing_id);
$params['recipients'] = $report['event_totals']['queue'];
$params['deliveries'] = $report['event_totals']['delivered'];
$params['forwards'] = $report['event_totals']['forward'];
$params['replies'] = $report['event_totals']['reply'];
$params['unsubscribes'] = $report['event_totals']['unsubscribe'];
$params['optouts'] = $report['event_totals']['optout'];
$params['bounces'] = $report['event_totals']['bounce'];
// Check if a stats entry already exists
$stat_id = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT id FROM civicrm_mailing_archive_stat WHERE mailing_id = %1', [
1 => [$mailing_id, 'Positive'],
if ($stat_id) {
$params['id'] = $stat_id;
CRM_Utils_Hook::pre($hook, $entityName, CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params), $params);
$instance = new $className();
CRM_Utils_Hook::post($hook, $entityName, $instance->id, $instance);
// Delete the stats from CiviMail queue tables, assuming the FKs cascade deletion
$result = civicrm_api3('MailingJob', 'get', [
'mailing_id' => $mailing_id,
if (!empty($result['values'])) {
$job_ids = array_keys($result['values']);
CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('DELETE FROM civicrm_mailing_event_queue where job_id IN (%1)', [
1 => [implode(',', $job_ids), 'CommaSeparatedIntegers'],
// Update the mailing as being archived
// Somewhat using the DAO on purpose, in case eventually we add a hook to detect mailing archival
// from the UI, and want to automatically trigger the archival of stats.
CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('UPDATE civicrm_mailing SET is_archived = 1 WHERE id = %1', [
1 => [$mailing_id, 'Positive'],