Projects with this topic
Lets users enter a duration in hours, not just in minutes.
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Makes it possible to create CiviCRM activities using a profile.
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Makes it possible to set a default activity status for new activities.
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Import interface for more complex, programmatic imports (can be extended by other extensions).
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Re-enables the basic "Change Log" from CiviCRM after the full logging has been enabled, so that admins can see the list of changes that were done before logging was enabled.
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Scheduled Job that routinely looks for duplicates (and merges them if there are no conflicts).
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Provides a lighter workflow for the CiviCRM Event Cart. Designed for a ticket box office (ex: where you do not need the names of participants).
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Sends all Drupal emails through CiviCRM. Useful to avoid configuring the SMTP services twice, and also to keep a log of password resets and other Drupal emails (they get recorded as activities on the contact record).
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Sends all Drupal9 emails through CiviCRM. Useful to avoid configuring the SMTP services twice, and also to keep a log of password resets and other emails (they get recorded as activities on the contact record).
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Displays the contribution progress bar widget on contribution pages
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Data Explorer aims to provide an easy to use interface that can generate custom visualizations of CiviCRM data. The visualizations can then be added to the CiviCRM Dashboard, shared to external people without access to CiviCRM (using a secret key), or (eventually) as an HTML snippet that can be embedded in website content.
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Enable CiviDiscounts on contributions/payment pages.
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Extra Drupal8 Twig filters to workaround some Views limitations.
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Workarounds for CiviCRM Views integration on Drupal8.
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Attaches ICS files to event confirmation emails.
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Allows event admins to redirect an Event Info page to an external URL.
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Provides a way to bundle events together (at a discounted price) in the CiviCRM Event Cart (and the Boxoffice extension).
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Adds support to export search results and report results directly into the Excel xlsx format.