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Fix broken links

colemanw requested to merge colemanw/user-en:fixLinks into master


Build errors encountered. Book 'user' in language 'English' was not published. There was a build error: 'MkDocs was unable to build the book. MkDocs command output: INFO - Cleaning site directory
INFO - Building documentation to directory: /var/www/civicrm-docs/var/cache/prod/publishing/publish_user_en_1653493417
INFO - The following pages exist in the docs directory, but are not included in the "nav" configuration:
- searching/
[33mWARNING - [0mDocumentation file 'searching/searchkit/' contains a link to 'searching/searchkit/the-user-interface/creating-new-forms/' which is not found in the documentation files.
[33mWARNING - [0mDocumentation file 'the-user-interface/' contains a link to 'the-user-interface/' which is not found in the documentation files.

Merge request reports