There are currently four methods for installing CiviCRM Standalone.
There are currently five options for installing CiviCRM Standalone. If in doubt, Option 1 is the recommended method for most sites.
??? example "Option 1. Download a release tarball - most sites"
@@ -45,11 +45,6 @@ There are currently four methods for installing CiviCRM Standalone.
There is a new project to create a Docker image for CiviCRM Standalone. If you have used Docker before, this can be a quick way to get up and running. You can see progress on the project and find install instructions [on the project repo](
For Buildkit, see the linked Buildkit documentation.
For composer or git installs, see the Standalone Alternative Install Methods (*TODO*).
For Docker, see the linked repository.
The rest of this page assumes you are installing from a release tarball (Option 1).