@@ -99,7 +99,21 @@ The general rules for avoiding errors may be summed up like this:
<p>{ts}Hello, world!{/ts}</p>
Hyperlinks within larger blocks of text are an exception to this rule, where you should place the `<a>` tags within the `ts`. Any link parameters should be provided as arguments to the ts. For example:
!!! failure "Bad"
{ts}Here is a block of text with a link to the <a href="https://www.civicrm.org" target="_blank">CiviCRM Web Site</a>.{/ts}
!!! success "Less bad"
{ts 1='href="https://www.civicrm.org" target="_blank"'}Here is a block of text with a link to the <a %1>CiviCRM Web Site</a>.{/ts}
### Avoid multi-line strings
Even if your code editor may not like it, long strings should be on a single line since a change in indentation might change where the line breaks are, which would then require re-translating the string.