Introduce a way to link event participants from the associated booking.
When an event booking is made, the booking is stored across two primary entities:
- One or more participants
- One contribution
When you view an event participant, the list of associated payments is listed at the bottom of that screen:
However, the reverse is not true. There is no way to easily get to the participants, when viewing a contriubtion:
This can make it harder for administrators to see what a contribution has been used to purchase, and harder to see what additional participants the primary booker booked.
I've not looked into the feasability of either approach, but I can see a couple of obvious ways of fitting this into the UI.
Option 1. Link each event line item in the line items table to the relevant participant:
(I'm not sure how this option would work with the line item editor extension)
Option 2. Introduce a new table of participants:
Similar thinking could be employed to link to the associated membership to a membership payment, but I thought I'd get the conversation going in relation to event bookings first.