Investigate javascript currency library
I think that we should use an approach for money fields similar to date fields where formatting is at the js layer and the values are always submitted in unrounded US decimal format - ie. always submitted like 4,000.0123 (or preferably 4000.123) and the php can expect just to 'use what it gets'
There are a number of possible js libraries.
I feel like the requirements are
- Format currencies appropriately. If I have a page that accepts donations in EUR it should display as 2.534.234,00 €
- Format currencies by locale if known. If I 'know' - probably from a drupal url or similar that my page is for French Euro users then I want 2 534 234,00 €
- Use the site numeric separator on backend screens. If I'm used to using a US decimal format I want all donations displayed with the same 'meaning' of the decimal
- Format on input.
- Package is appropriately licenced
The first 3 seem comfortably addressed by which also offers the very nice
<div class='money' data-ccy='EUR'> 1234564.58 </div>
<div class='money' data-ccy='GBP'> 8798583.85 </div>
<div class='money' data-ccy='CHF'> 0.9754 </div>
syntax - which we could extend for scenarios 2 & 3 if necessary. Is MIT license OK?
The package seems pretty static - and they have not merged a PR to add Romanian which might be not great. I'm just looking at a couple of others as well
I REALLY like the jquery syntax above :-)
See #47 for same topic but php layer
Also Format on input - looks promising - also MIT
Dinero doesn't really seem to do much formatting also offers pretty reasonable formatting. I like the 'unformat' function but I wonder if it would work for Euro currencies
Note the screenshot demonstrates where full locale-based formatting would make no sense. The rows all need to use the decimal point the same way