Brainstorm: Little Ideas for QA
This issue is an experiment. The goal -- brainstorm for Little Ideas that will improve the quality-assurance regime. I'm not looking to replay past discussions -- if something was controversial before, it's probably still controversial. For purposes of this issue, humor me. Suppose there's a realistic budget -- like a week of senior developer/designer/documenter/administrator time. What process change could they perform that might make a dent at improving QA? Perhaps something that makes PR review more thorough? Or perhaps it improves engagement with RCs? Or perhaps it lowers the barrier to testing?
Please post one idea per comment. If you like or dislike an idea, put a thumbsup or thumbsdown emoji on the comment. To discuss the idea in more depth, ping the commenter on Mattermost ( under dev
👍🏻 - Good idea. Simple, clear steps. Would probably improve quality. Achievable within budget. -
👎🏻 - Bad idea. Wouldn't improve quality. -
🎱 - Don't really want to judge. It sounds good, but it's not simple enough or not clear enough or too long. Maybe if the idea was refined more. -
🐤 - The comment is conversation.