## 1: (If you haven't already) Set the final version to `5.X.Y`
## 1A: Repo updates (PR flow; typical)
Prepare patches for the `5.X` branch via PR.
In tandem with the PRs, prepare the [draft release notes](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uJAiVf0IsBfY5PUarKTeztC8z6qMmtFnfLk8Gd4cJbQ/edit?usp=sharing).
After all the substantive PRs have been merged, prepare a new PR to bump-up the version number and copy-in the release-notes:
## 2: (If you haven't already) Backport patches to `5.X` branch
Submit `5.X-bumpY` as a new PR.
Use the Github GUI for final copy-editing of the notes.
## 1B: Repo updates (Abridged flow)
Plan the patchset and [generate release notes](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uJAiVf0IsBfY5PUarKTeztC8z6qMmtFnfLk8Gd4cJbQ/edit?usp=sharing). Then update the corresponding `5.X` branch: