System Workflow Messages - Improve localization experience
Several CiviCRM components - such as CiviContribute, CiviCase, and CiviEvent - send automated email notifications. Many organizations find it useful to customize/tune these emails, and the emails may be administered in the web UI ("Administer: Message Templates: System Workflow Messages").
In principle, this is a powerful tool in which an administrator may use Smarty templating to produce highly tuned messages -- and it requires only the ability to understand template notations (e.g. {$contact.first_name}
or {$event.start_date}
). However, in practice, this is often difficult -- real-world templates are long and complex, and they may be used with data of varying quality/character, and the workflow to test a template can be tedious.
This epic (overarching issue) aims to improve the experience of maintaining system workflow templates. We are specifically funded to work on it from the following perspective: You have an organization which maintains multiple templates for use in multiple countries/locales -- periodically, as campaigns/operations are revised, you may need to engage with a few people to update+retest a few templates. We have three main themes to improve upon:
- Drafting/Workflow: Currently, Civi has exactly one variant/revision of a template, and it is always live. There is no way to develop a draft (new revisions) or to keep a record of past revisions.
TranslationLocalization: For any given message, you may need to compose different versions for different locales. - Previews/Samples: Many templates are sensitive to fine-grained details. This is true in multiple ways, e.g. (1) the template adjusts based on available data ("Do we have a mailing address for this person? Do we have a full-name, or just an email? Is this one-off contribution or a recurring contribution?"), and (2) the template includes precise codes that must be well-formed (e.g. matching tags, matching quotes, using an email-friendly dialect of HTML/CSS).
Related work
- community/feature-request#26
Subtopics / Brainstorming
(Some of the descriptions here are terse - but they may get more explanation in the wireframe.)
Sample data presentation: While composing a message, how do you show a preview based on sample data? Some ideas:
Edit-Preview Split-Panes
- Pro: very amenable to live-update
- Con: needs wide screen (prob dialog). agreeable with O(10) sample records - but disagreeable with O(1000) records
Edit-Preview Accordion
- Pro: fairly amenable to live-update. full width.
- Con: agreeable with O(10) sample records - but disagreeable with O(1000) records
Explore-Preview Panes in dialog
- Pro: agreeable with O(1000) records
- Con: requires more navigating.
- Comment: live-update might be possible with separate popup - but more difficult
- Comment: might mitigate navigation work with a hotkey
Edit-Preview Split-Panes
Sample data source: When viewing a preview based on some example record(s), where does the example come from?
Basic/prepackaged: Define some JSON files, which are linked to the workflows.
Comment: Requires metadata to say, "workflows b can use sample datad"
- Pro: Some templates have very nuanced purposes and may have special vars. This allows you to mock data that's attuned to edge-cases, and you can use these samples in any environment (dev-site/public-demo-site/live-site). No mixing-up real records and sample records. Can simulate complex data (e.g. "tpl for use-case with 2 contribution records")
- Con: More upfront work in making sample data. User cannot test against real data.
- Comment: Should have unit-test to ensure sample-data-structure stays in sync with real-data-structure
Comment: Requires metadata to say, "workflows
Data search: Search for a live record (eg
) to use as a sample.-
Comment: Requires metadata to say, "workflows b need data from entity $c"
- Pro: You can use real data, which can be subjectively attuned.
- Con: You have to find real data that's useful. May be awkward if you're trying to test edge-cases, unless you're willing to add mock/synthetic records to the DB. All mail-merge data must be selectable from one record (eg "Contribution #123"; eg no other inputs besides DB content).
Variants: The UI for this can take on a few variations, eg
- In "Edit Msg Tpl", show a searchable tree. Filter by contact name and select the target record.
- In "Edit Msg Tpl", ask the user to enter a numeric ID.
- In "View Contact", add links/actions for generating previews.
Comment: Requires metadata to say, "workflows
Flagged records: As an adminsitrator, find real records and save them in a list (e.g. "Record #$x is a sample for use in workflows $a, $b")
- Comment: Requires somewhere to store the list (e.g. custom-field or new-field or new-table)
- Pro: You can use real data, which can be subjectively attuned. The list of samples is curated/abbreviated.
- Con: The individual composing the template may not know how to flag/unflag sample records. Requires configuration (and extant samples) before you can use email preview.
Basic/prepackaged: Define some JSON files, which are linked to the workflows.
Grain of
Record level: For each
, create anothercivicrm_msg_template
record. -
Field level: Each
only has onecivicrm_msg_template
record. Attached to that record are multiple translations (ex:field=subject,locale=fr_FR,text="Bonjour"
). -
String level: Each
only has onecivicrm_msg_template
record, and that record has onebody_text
. However, thebody_text
uses translatable strings (ex: 'body_text={cts id=greeting}Greetings,{/cts}`) -
Record-level Field-level String-level Each translation goes through a separate, well-delineated drafting workflow. Translation workflow is batched (per template). All translations must be ready to activate together. Orthogonal workflows for templates vs strings. Message structure (paras/sections) is localized. Message structure (paras/sections) is localized. Message structure is uniform across locales. (Realistic? What abouts <table>
LTR/RTL?Cannot re-use translated snippets. Cannot re-use translated snippets. Re-use translated snippets.
There are a few different ways to approach this. To get a sense for the usability and work, we can post a few alternative wireframes. (This section may be updated as more are added.)
(0) Status quo: Listing Screen, Edit Screen
(1) Record-level translations w/previews and drafting workflow: Listing Screen, Edit Screen (Note: The blue-arcs indicate a couple variations on how to include the preview/sample functionality. This tracks close to status-quo, and incremental changes are highlighted with yellow-dots.)
(2) Field-level translations: Listing Screen, Edit Screen (Note: This tracks close to status-quo, and incremental changes are highlighted with yellow-dots.)
(3) String-level translations: Listing Screen, Edit Screen (Note: This tracks close to status-quo, and incremental changes are highlighted with yellow-dots.)
(4) Record-level translations w/browse-edit tree + accordion-preview: Browse-Edit Screen
(5) Field-level translations w/browse-edit tree + accordion-preview Browse-Edit Screen
(6) Field-level translations w/matrix, preview-dialog, and drafting workflow: Listing Screen, Edit Screen (Note: This assumes that there is a separate string-storage service like civi-data-translate, and it assumes that the
record has some workflow property like likeis_draft
. So each string might have the propertiesentity
.) -
(7) As with 6, but with various refinements: Listing screen, Edit screen