Non translatable fields in profile schema
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- Author Developer
I have checked in the database and it seems that those field are translatable already, so for those it's just an UI problem :
- Public Title
- Cancel Button Text
- Submit Button Text
A fix for public title is here
- ErikHommel added needs:concept approval triaged type:proposal labels
added needs:concept approval triaged type:proposal labels
- Owner
We have merged the UI fix for the above other 2 issues I'm not sure what the state of the other fields that being description and the 2 url fields
@samuelsov Can you review the status of this issue?
- Author Developer
A quick status of this issue :
public title
mostly works but not in "On behalf" and maybe other specific use of profile (I'm going to provide a PR for this) -
cancel button text
/submit button text
are good -
is not translatable but it's only for admins who create/edit profiles. I think we can drop this until it is displayed somewhere else. -
redirect url
/cancel redirect url
are not translatable but I've only seen one usecase of this so far. I don't think it is worth the trouble.
- Author Developer
- Author Developer
Also, in Confirm and Thank You contribution pages, the public title is not used.
- Author Developer
Good enough for me. Let's close this.
- samuelsov closed
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