Anyone have any idea why the CiviContribute Component Settings page would not be updating values on save? Everything up to the “Enabled Deferred Revenue” field saves fine, but nothing below it (although Civi reports “Your changes have been saved”. Civi v5.24.3 running on WordPress).
Reproduced on 5.25 RC and master in WP and Drupal 7.
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It's a weird form - I thought we had unravelled it OK - but I guess not. Maybe we should stick all the stuff that depends on invoicing in a separate form
@eileen Strictly speaking I am not sure when this first became a bug. I test by saving settings the first time, this is on subsequent submissions to the form. I do think a separate form would be the best way forward, but would think we'd target master for that.
To reproduce, I tried a few fields on 5.21(.3-ish) and 5.24(.4-ish). Note:
Default invoice payment page: This appears below "Enabled Deferred Revenue" on my screen.
5.21: OK
5.22: OK
5.23: OK
5.24: OK
Enable Tax and Invoicing: This is a toggle which activates a large block of settings.
5.21: OK
5.22: OK
5.23: OK
5.24: OK
Credit Notes Prefix: Note that this field changed positions between 5.21 (where it's under Enable Tax and Invoicing) and 5.24 (where it's available regardless).
5.21: OK
5.22: OK
5.23: Problematic
5.24: Problematic
Due Date: Note that this appears under Enable Tax and Invoicing
5.21: OK
5.22: OK
5.23: Problematic
5.24: Problematic
So maybe the issue is with fields that are (or were) under the heading of Enable Tax and Invoicing.
So I pulled up a debugger as submitted an updated due_date (old=10; new=15), and it looks like the settings are getting passed into Civi::settings()->set(...) as you'd expect.
Tracing that, I now see that there are magic bits to split the array contribution_invoice_settings into several smaller settings. So the new due_date is actually saved... as invoice_due_date (rather than as contribution_invoice_settings.due_date).
It seems perhaps the magic bits need to provide a more complete facade? Compare the content of contribution_invoice_settings and invoice_due_date after saving:
For a complete facade, you'd expect that invoice_due_date and contribution_invoice_settings.due_date would always present the same value?
@eileen - do you have a steer on how we would switch on VAT inclusive reporting in invoices in the meantime? Would we need to manually update the database for now?
Hi @marcusjwilson The best suggestion is to download install/upgrade 5.24.6 and then check the invoice settings on the CiviContribute Component settings screen to make sure they are correct
As the PR has been merged and a fixed version has been released I am going to close this